Les Chemins de la durabilité

Automated food waste tracking system

Type de pratique Reduce
Nom de la pratique Automated food waste tracking system
Nom de l’acteur principal Lean Path
Type d’acteur(s) Services alimentaires
Pays United States of America
Etape de mise en œuvre Consommation
Année de mise en œuvre 2004
Opérations déjà accomplies/en cours Lean Path developed an automated food waste tracking system for the industry, which can be used in hospitals, colleges and universities, restaurants and other food service operations across USA and beyond. It is composed of a tracking terminal allowing accurate recording of daily food waste weight, and discard reason, and a reporting dashboard to help identify and target critical areas
Résultats et impacts Lean Path claims that “it has helped customers cut food waste by as much as 80% and run greener, more sustainable operations.”