Les Chemins de la durabilité

Policy document on sustainable food

Type de pratique Reduce
Nom de la pratique Policy document on sustainable food
Nom de l’acteur principal Dutch Government
Type d’acteur(s) Autorités publiques, Institution de recherche
Pays Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
Etape de mise en œuvre Consommation, Transformation, Vente au détail
Année de mise en œuvre 2009
Opérations déjà accomplies/en cours In 2009, the Dutch Parliament issued a policy paper (Policy Agenda for Sustainable Food Systems) identifying a number of issues that could significantly contribute to the achievement of a more sustainable food chain.
Résultats et impacts The adopted policy, aimed at a 20 percent food waste reduction by 2015, set a number of projects directed at raising consumers awareness and promoting technologies to reduce wastage in the agro-chain production. The document also urges legislators to repeal regulations which enhance food wastage, such as expiration dates regulations, liability for food donors and use of by-products as animal feedstuff. Among the Dutch most notable initiatives, the Small Business Innovation Research instrument (part of the Impulse Programme for Sustainable Agro-chains) provides institutional support for initiatives aimed at preventing and reducing food waste. Through this, the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality provides grants and reimburses costs for research or training projects, feasibility studies, pilot projects, etc.