Les Chemins de la durabilité

A Year Against Food Waste

Type de pratique Reduce
Nom de la pratique A Year Against Food Waste
Nom de l’acteur principal Multi-stakeholder Partnership
Type d’acteur(s) Autorités publiques
Pays Italy
Etape de mise en œuvre Consommation
Année de mise en œuvre 2010
Opérations déjà accomplies/en cours A Year against Waste is a multi-year project aiming to raise Italian and European public awareness on the causes and consequences of waste, on how to reduce it and how to promote a sound culture and civil principles of sustainability and solidarity. Each year, the generic theme of waste is focused on a specific topic: food (2010), water (2011) and energy (2012). In 2014, the campaign includes a national competition to raise awareness on waste involving Italian primary schools and awareness initiatives targeted to the young generations
Résultats et impacts Outcomes and impacts to be assessed.