Les Chemins de la durabilité

Food Waste Reduction Alliance (FWRA)

Type de pratique Reduce
Nom de la pratique Food Waste Reduction Alliance (FWRA)
Nom de l’acteur principal Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA), Food Marketing Institute (FMI), and National Restaurant Association (NRA)
Type d’acteur(s) Société
Pays United States of America
Etape de mise en œuvre Vente au détail, Stockage, Transport
Année de mise en œuvre 2010
Opérations déjà accomplies/en cours FWRA is a remarkable industry-wide effort launched in 2010 and focused on addressing food waste, in particular the phase between food manufacturer and retail grocery and restaurants. The Alliance is led by the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA), Food Marketing Institute (FMI), and National Restaurant Association (NRA), with active leadership and participation by its members. The goals of the FWRA are to avoid and reduce food waste wherever possible within the supply chains, to increase communication among the stakeholders, to support the donation of safe and healthy foods that would have gone to waste and to send food to food banks to help address hunger issues and to divert unavoidable food waste away from landfills toward higher value uses, such as animal feed, composting, and waste-to-energy.
Résultats et impacts Outcomes and impacts to be assessed.