Sustainability Pathways

Supporting sheep genetic diversity for Alpine pasture use in Bavaria, Germany

Name of sustainable practice or practices Supporting sheep genetic diversity for Alpine pasture use in Bavaria, Germany
Name of main actor Bavarian State Research Center for Agriculture
Type of actors involved Commercial farmers, Research institutions
Livestock Species Sheep
Livestock breed Alpines Steinschaf
Country Germany
Agro-ecological region Mountain
Main feature of best practice Improving environmental sustainability including biodiversity conservation, Furthering grain-free strategies in animal feed
Key features of livestock farming system Pastoral livestock keeping
Year practice/management strategies started to be implemented 2004
Key practices implemented to improve sustainability of livestock management The ‚Alpine Steinschaf’ is one of the most endangered sheep breeds which still is kept in Baden-Württemberg and Salzburg. Over the years this breed had to adapt to the environmental conditions. Not only its adaptation to a wide range of extreme climatic and environmental conditions, but also its genetic origin gives the sheep an important cultural value that needs to be considered. The attached article describes the Alpine pasture and breeding concept of the breed ‚Alpines Steinschaf’. The Project "Activating alpine pastures – new ways to diversify" of the Bavarian Academy for Nature Conservation and Landscape Management (ANL) aims at diversifying the pastures using this endangered sheep breed. Reclamation of the area "Kleinrechenbergalm" by grazing of young rams of the endangered breed Alpines Steinschaf. It is an alp that has not been in use until 2010 for fifty years and is located in the district of Traunstein in Upper Bavaria. With renewed grazing it is possible to improve the diversity of the pasture and create habitats for associates species such as butterflies.
Key impacts of the best practices on sustainability of farming system The first positive effects on the breed Alpines Steinschaf can be seen already. Health and fitness of the rams increased, the best rams showed under the harsh conditions in the Alps very good weight gains and the breeding quality of the rams has clearly increased. Within the last five years, the total stock of the breed in Germany more than doubled. Due to the extremely positive response about the project numerous new breeders started breeding the Alpines Steinschaf. Many committed breeders identify themselves with the Alpine pasture and breeding project of the Alpines Steinschaf.
Constraints and opportunities observed during implementation of described practices This project reintegrated traditional alp husbandry and the best young rams of one age group are being tested on qualification and performance on the alp under the given extreme environmental conditions. Health and fitness of the rams increased, the best rams showed under the harsh conditions in the alps very good weight gains and all in all the breeding quality of the rams has clearly increased. Within the last five years, the Alpines Steinschaf gained new accessions, the total stock in Germany more than doubled. Particularly gratifying was that due to the extremely positive response about the project numerous new breeders started breeding of the Alpines Steinschaf. Many committed breeders identify themselves with the Alpine pasture and breeding project of the Alpines Steinschaf.