
Capacity development

FAO is actively supporting regional and country capacities to shape food systems that enable healthy diets. Developing appropriate food systems policies and actions entails improving governments' and non-State actors' capacities for carrying out the necessary actions. To achieve this goal, FAO has developed a Capacity Development Roadmap in support of the revised Vision and Strategy for FAO's Work in Nutrition (FAO's Nutrition Strategy). The Roadmap will steer the capacity development activities by addressing current gaps and leveraging opportunities. To know more about the Capacity Development Roadmap and its implementation click here.

Main resources by thematic area

FAO has developed a series of technical papers, policy briefs, manuals, e-learning courses, webinars and videos to assist partners in the design and implementation of appropriate, informed and coherent food systems policies and actions.

Click on the thematic areas to know more about our capacity development resources and publications.


Section: Nutrition Education

The ENACT course provides an introduction to the practice of nutrition education. This is a “blended learning” course pitched at undergraduate level, requiring a mix of independent work and tutorial contact. Two CDs are available: one for students...

Section: Nutrition Education

The ENACT course provides an introduction to the practice of nutrition education. This is a “blended learning” course pitched at undergraduate level, requiring a mix of independent work and tutorial contact. Two CDs are available: one for

Section: Nutrition policies and programmes

This brochure summarizes the latest findings on how the main social protection instruments can address the causes of malnutrition, and proposes guiding principles to make these instruments nutrition-sensitive.

Section: Nutrition policies and programmes

This 2 pages brochure presents 10 key recommendations for improving nutrition through food and agriculture programmes, and 5 recommendations for making food and agriculture policies and programmes nutrition-sensitive. Its target audience are policy and programme planners/managers working in food and...

Section: Nutrition policies and programmes

This publication presents the linkages and synergies between social protection and nutrition in the food and agriculture and proposes recommendations for maximizing the nutritional impact of social protection programmes. The target audience includes professionals working in social protection who wish...