
Nutrition policies and programmes

Transforming food systems to deliver healthy diets is a key element in promoting good health/nutrition and preventing all forms of malnutrition. The creation of an enabling environment for nutrition policies, programs and investments is a first step towards obtaining that shift. FAO enhances countries’ capacities to design and to implement food systems-related policies and actions that promote healthy diets for all. Here you can find a snapshot of our capacity development tools, resources and activities:

Maximizing nutrition using impact pathways

Crop production, fisheries and aquaculture, forestry and livestock are key sectors for achieving healthy diets and, ultimately, improving nutrition. FAO has developed a nutrition sensitive food systems analysis that highlights promising entry points for transformative actions in these sectors, helping policy and program planners to incorporate nutrition into their activities and interventions. Click on the image below to explore how to integrate nutrition into your own sector.


Toolkit on nutrition-sensitive agriculture and food systems

Integrated package of guidance materials on how to design, implement, monitor and evaluate nutrition-sensitive food and agriculture policies and programmes.

E-learning courses on nutrition-sensitive agriculture and food systems

A series of on-line courses to assists professionals from any food and agriculture field in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of nutrition-sensitive programmes, investments and policies.

Parliamentarian engagement

The Food systems and nutrition – Handbook for parliamentarians N°32 aims to provide legislators with practical guidance to support legislative processes that prioritize nutrition and food systems. The publication will assist them to identify concrete entry points and actions that parliamentarians can put in place in their countries. The handbook highlights parliamentarian actions throughout the food system through a set of case studies identifying efforts that will accelerate progress towards the SDGs. Find out more here.

Nutrition and resilience

FAO is engaged in preserving and promoting nutrition in at-risk and crisis-affected contexts, together with partners. We support multi-sector policies and programmes that target the short and long-term dietary needs of vulnerable populations. We work towards enhanced analytical and response capacities to support livelihoods and address bottlenecks across food systems to deliver healthy diets, while preserving resources for future generations. Check our latest publications below:

Food and nutrition in urban areas

FAO is engaged in supporting municipal governments and policy makers in urban areas to transform food systems for improved nutrition. Specifically, FAO develops assessment tools and methodologies to understand bottlenecks that hinder food system actors (farmers, processors, wholesalers, distributors, retailer and consumers) from ensuring access, availability, utilization and stability of safe, nutritious and healthy foods. FAO provides support in setting up multi-stakeholder governance mechanisms to help the development of integrated actions at the urban level. FAO also works to strengthens local capacities to identify linkages between nutrition, healthy diets and urban food systems. To know more click here.