Guías alimentarias basadas en alimentos

Food-based dietary guidelines - St. Kitts and Nevis

Official name

Food Based Dietary Guidelines St. Kitts and Nevis

Publication year

The first dietary guidelines for St. Kitts and Nevis were published in October 2010. No previous versions exist, and the next revision date is to be determined.

Stakeholder involvement

Key stakeholders in the development process included the Ministries of Health, Education and Agriculture. The dietary guidelines were officially endorsed by the Ministries of Health, Education, Agriculture, Commerce and Consumer Affairs, and the Chambers of Industry and Commerce.

Products, resources and target audiences


Target audience


Academic, community


Policy makers, Health workers, Educators, trainers, and teachers, General population, People over two years and above, Children, Families

Development process

Information on the planning, formation of the development team, and methods for situation analysis and evidence review is not available.

Objectives of the DGs

The dietary guidelines for St. Kitts and Nevis aim to promote a balanced and healthy lifestyle by encouraging individuals to:

  • Consume foods from each group in the Sugarmill graphic daily.
  • Limit foods and drinks with added salt and sugar.
  • Use less fat and oils in food preparation.
  • Consume a variety of fruits and vegetables daily.
  • Reduce intake of salty and processed foods.
  • If consuming alcohol, do so sparingly.
  • Engage in at least 30 minutes of physical activity daily.


The Ministry of Health is responsible for implementing the dietary guidelines. No official implementation strategy or plan has been developed.


There is no official monitoring and evaluation plan for the dietary guidelines.

Food guide

The Sugarmill graphic is used as the food guide, representing different food groups:

  1. Starchy Foods
  2. Foods from Animals
  3. Peas, Beans, and Nuts
  4. Fruits
  5. Vegetables
  6. Fats and Oils
  7. Sugars and Sweeteners


Each food group has specific portion recommendations, such as:

  • Starchy Foods: 7-12 portions (examples include 1 slice of bread, 6 water crackers, or ½ cup rice).
  • Food from Animals: Varies, with 73 calories for portions like 1 small drumstick or 1 small wing.
  • Peas, Beans, and Nuts: 1-2 portions (e.g., ¼ cup red beans or 16 peanuts).
  • Fruits: 5-11 portions (e.g., ½ grapefruit or 1 small orange).
  • Vegetables: 2-5 portions of calorie-containing vegetables, with low-calorie vegetables consumed as desired.
  • Fats and Oils: 3-6 portions (e.g., 1 tsp margarine or 2 tbsp dried grated coconut).
  • Sugars and Sweeteners: 5-8 portions (e.g., 1 teaspoon sugar or 2 tablespoons jam).


  1. Increased consumption of fruits and vegetables.
  2. Healthy food choices in terms of variety, quality, and quantity.
  3. Reduction of obesity and chronic non-communicable diseases.
  4. Reduction of anemia and under-nutrition.
  5. Healthy lifestyle behaviors, emphasizing physical activity and reduced alcohol intake.


Sustainability was not formally addressed in the development of St. Kitts and Nevis’s dietary guidelines.