
Materials and resources on food, health and nutrition are available for a variety of audiences and settings, using various communication and promotion channels. These materials emphasize the need to adapt information to the local context and culture and use a practical, hands-on approach that helps to reinforce learning and establish healthful eating behaviour and lifestyle practices.

Specific target audiences include:

  • Primary and middle school teachers and students
  • University teachers
  • Curriculum developers
  • Nutrition education professionals
  • Community nutritionists and other community workers
  • Food service personnel
  • Health and agriculture extension workers
  • Youth groups and leaders




Family Nutrition Guide

For health and agriculture workers, nutritionists, and other community development workers designing nutrition education materials, activities and training. Includes 11 topics, covering basic nutrition, family food security, meal planning, food hygiene and nutritional needs at different life stages.

Available in English, French, Russian, Spanish, Arabic and a version for Nepal.

Nutrition education in primary schools

A planning guide for including food and nutrition education in the primary school curriculum. Consists of a two-volume set including a technical reader, a set of worksheets and activities and a classroom curriculum chart. Available in English and French.

School Gardens

A set of three publications: a manual to assist schoolteachers, parents and the community in starting or improving a school garden; a teaching kit of lessons to supplement and support gardening activities, and a policy brief to help governments and development partners promote school gardens for better nutrition and health.

Manual – En, Fr, Es

Teaching tool kit – En, Fr

Policy brief – En, Fr, Es

Eating well for good health

A learning module of 11 lessons and activities covering basic concepts of good nutrition, health and healthy diets. For use both inside and outside the classroom by students, teachers, youth or community groups and individuals learning on their own. Available in book form and web version in English and Spanish.

Book Web version back soon

The right to food: A window on the world

A set of two books and an animated web version to educate young people about the right to food and encourage them to take action about hunger in their communities and their families. Includes a cartoon storybook for 8-16 year-olds and a resource and activity guide for teachers and youth leaders. Available in seven languages in book form and five languages in the animated web version which will be back soon.

Feeding Minds, Fighting Hunger

Model lesson plans to introduce young people to the issues of hunger, malnutrition and food security. For use by schools and youth groups at primary, intermediate and secondary level. Available in 13 languages

Improving nutrition through home gardening

Two training packages, one for Southeast Asia and one for Africa, to strengthen capacity to promote home gardening for enhanced food security and better community and household nutrition. Designed for agricultural extension agents and other field workers involved with nutrition, home economics, health and community development.

AfricaSouth East Asia