
Cambodia project

 Improving Food Security and Market Linkages for Smallholders (MALIS)

FAO supported the project “Improving Food Security and Market Linkages for Smallholders” in Odtar Meanchey and Preah Vihear provinces, Cambodia from 2013-2015. The objective of the MALIS project was to improve the rural livelihoods of smallholder farmers through agricultural production, marketing and small enterprise development. The nutrition education intervention disseminated culturally appropriate and acceptable nutrition practices which had been adapted to the needs of the community. Families learned how a diversified diet based on locally available foods can improve children’s nutrition in combination with good hygiene and health practices. The nutrition education intervention consisted of: 1) training sessions on improved infant and young child feeding practices; 2) nutrition modules in Farmer Field/Business schools and 3) promotional activities at agricultural fairs and field days.