Recommandations alimentaires

Food-based dietary guidelines - Latvia

Official name

Dietary guidelines for adults (Latvian: Veselīga uztura ieteikumi pieaugušajiem).

Publication year

The Latvian dietary guidelines for children were published in 2003, the guidelines for the elderly in 2007 and those for adults a year later, in 2008. Guidelines for pregnant woman were published in 2017 as well as those for vegetarians.

An updated version of guidelines for adults and for the consumption of vegetables, fruits and berries were launched in 2020. There are plans to revise dietary guidelines for children and elderly in 2021.

Stakeholder involvement

The development of dietary guidelines was led by The Ministry of Health (MoH) in collaboration with Center for Disease Prevention and Control (CDPC). National nutrition associations and non-governmental organizations; dieticians and health specialists were also involved. The guidelines were endorsed by the Ministry of Health.

Products, resources and target audiences

The different sets of dietary guidelines are aimed at: infants and children less than 2 years of age, children and adolescents 2–18 years old, healthy adults and people 60 years and older, people with various digestive tract diseases, vegetarians and pregnant women.


Target audience

Recommended energy and nutrient intakes for the population of Latvia (updated in 2017).

General Population

Recommendations for the consumption of vegetables, fruits and berries (updated in 2020).

General Population

Dietary guidelines for children aged 2-18 years (published in 2003).

Children aged 2-18 years

Dietary guidelines for seniors (published in 2007).

People 60 years and older

Dietary guidelines for women during pregnancy (published in 2017)

Pregnant Women

Dietary guidelines for vegetarians (published in 2017).


Healthy nutrition tips for home-cooked food (published in 2004)

General Population

Dietary guidelines for people with various digestive tract diseases (all published in 2020)

People with various digestive tract diseases

Dietary guidelines for infants and children less than 2 years of age

Parents of infants and young children

Dietary guidelines for healthy adults

Healthy adults

Development process

In Latvia the decision about development or revision of the FBDGs is made by the MoH. Decision making is influenced by new science, changes in population and health priorities and by professional advice. Guidelines are heavily influenced by the World Health Organization recommendations and Nordic Nutrition Recommendations. In collaboration with CDPC MoH develops the guidelines according to the latest scientifically proven recommendations. The guidelines are then revised by dieticians and other health care professionals. After revision and improvements the FBDGs are approved by official order of the MoH.


FBDGs are disseminated to nutritionists, Ministry of Agriculture staff, health professionals, and the food industry. Guidelines are published in MoH, CDPC and Ministry of Agriculture websites, printed and distributed to GPs and the public.

There is no official implementation plan.


There is no official evaluation plan.


The guidelines promote seasonal and locally grown produce and low cost foods. Vegetarians and vegans are also addressed in Latvian guidelines, but there is no systematic process of addressing sustainability considerations. 

Food guide

The food guide is represented by a plate showcasing the following food groups: fats and oils; grains and potatoes; fruits, vegetables and berries; meat, eggs, fish, dairy, legumes, nuts and seeds; and liquids.

The Recommended proportions are: ½ vegetables, fruits, greens, berries, ¼ grains and potatoes, ¼ products containing protein, small portion of fats and oils. In addition, 2-2,5 l of liquid (at least half – water) daily. The food guide also includes the messages: Eat healthy, using the plate principle! and In the 3 main meals include various products from various food groups to get all the necessary nutrients.


  • Eat a variety of foods every day.
  • Do physical activity to keep your body weight within recommended limits.
  • Drink 1.5–2 litres of liquid, including water, every day.
  • Eat 4-6 servings of cereals, cereal products (preferably wholegrain) and potatoes every day.
  • Eat at least 5 servings of vegetables, fruits and berries every day. Try to choose local and fresh products.
  • Eat 2-3 servings of dairy products every day. Prefer low-fat versions of milk and dairy products.
  • Eat legumes, fish or lean meat. The recommended daily amount of those products is 2-3 servings. Eat fish at least twice a week.
  • Reduce your consumption of margarine, butter and fatty meats. Use little oil to prepare your meals.
  • Limit consumption of salt and sugar and products containing them.
  • Do not drink alcohol.
  • Plan healthy meals.
  • Choose good quality products and prepare them hygienically.