Dietary guidelines

Food-based dietary guidelines - Malaysia

Official name

Malaysian dietary guidelines.

Publication year

The first official Malaysian dietary guidelines were published in 1999 and were revised and launched in 2010.

Process and stakeholders

The dietary guidelines were developed by a Technical Working Group on Nutritional Guidelines, part of the National Coordinating Committee for Food and Nutrition, Ministry of Health Malaysia.

The guidelines are endorsed by the Ministry of Health.

Intended audience

The guidelines are directed at the general public over 2 years of age.

Food guide

The Malaysian food pyramid is divided into four levels corresponding to six food groups. At the base there are rice, cereals, noodles and tubers, to be eaten moderately, on the second layer vegetables and fruits to be eaten in abundance; animal source foods and legumes are recommended to be eaten in moderation; and fats, sugar and salt to be eaten in smaller quantities.


  • Eat a variety of foods within your recommended intake.
  • Maintain body weight within a healthy range.
  • Be physically active every day.
  • Eat adequate amounts of rice, other cereal products (preferably wholegrain) and tubers.
  • Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables every day.
  • Consume moderate amounts of fish, meat, poultry, eggs, legumes and nuts.
  • Consume adequate amounts of milk and milk products.
  • Limit intake of foods high in fats and minimize fats and oils in food preparation.
  • Choose and prepare foods with less salt and sauces.
  • Consume foods and beverages low in sugar.
  • Drink plenty of water daily.
  • Practice exclusive breastfeeding from birth until 6 months and continue to breastfeed until 2 years of age.
  • Consume safe and clean foods and beverages.
  • Make effective use of nutrition information on food labels.