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Food-based dietary guidelines - Cuba

Official name

Dietary guidelines for the Cuban population over two years of age (Spanish: Guías alimentarias para la población cubana mayor de dos años).

Dietary guidelines for Cuban children younger than two years of age. Technical manual for health teams (Spanish: Guías alimentarias para niños y niñas cubanos hasta dos años de edad. Documento técnico para los equipos de salud).

Publication year

The first food-based dietary guidelines for the Cuban population were published in 2000. A revised version was published in 2009.

The dietary guidelines for children younger than 2 years of age were published in 2007.

Process and stakeholders

The Cuban national commission for the development and implementation of dietary guidelines, coordinated by the Institute of Nutrition and Food Hygiene of Cuba, is responsible for the preparation of FBDGs in the country. The guidelines are endorsed officially by the Ministry of Health.

In the revision of the dietary guidelines for the general public, changes to nutritional recommendations and to the corresponding food portions were made, and recommendations for doing physical activity to promote more active lifestyles were included.

Intended audience

The dietary guidelines for Cuban people are directed at the general public older than 2 years of age. The dietary guidelines for children younger than 2 years are intended for healthcare providers and all staff involved directly or indirectly with the nutrition and feeding of under-twos.

Food guide

The food guide used is seven food plates in decreasing size reflecting daily recommended amounts. The biggest plate has cereals, plantain and tubers. The medium sized ones have vegetables, fruits, meats and eggs. The smaller ones contain oil, fat, sugar, and foods rich in these.


  • A variety of foods during the day is pleasant and necessary for good health.
  • Eat vegetables every day; fill yourself up with life.
  • Eat fresh fruits and your vitality will increase.
  • Choose vegetable oils; cooking fat is harmful to your health.
  • Fish and chicken are the healthiest meats.
  • Decrease your sugar intake.
  • Reduce your salt intake; start by not adding it to food at the table.
  • A good day starts with breakfast; eat some food in the morning.
  • Find out what is the healthy weight for your height; stay in shape.