الخطوط التوجيهية لنظم الأغذية القائمة على الأغذية

Food-based dietary guidelines - Estonia

Official name

Estonian food and nutrition recommendations (Estonian: Eesti toitumis-ja toidusoovitused).

Publication year

Estonia published its first set of dietary guidelines in 1998, followed by the second version in 2006, which was based on the Nordic Nutrition Recommendations 4 (2004). Revision is currently in progress in line with the Nordic Nutrition Recommendations 5 (2012).

Separate guidelines have been developed for specific population groups: pregnant and lactating women (2007), the elderly (2008), pre-school and school-age children (2009) and adolescents (2009).

Process and stakeholders

The Estonian Society of Nutritional Science and the National Institute for Health Development (Ministry of Social Affairs) were responsible for developing the Estonian food and nutrition recommendations. Expert groups, research institutes and national organizations were also involved in the development process.

The document is endorsed by the Ministry of Health and nutrition institutes.

Intended audience

The recommendations apply to the general adult population. In addition, there are separate guidelines for pregnant and lactating women, the elderly, children and adolescents.

Food guide

Estonia uses a food pyramid which has physical activity and water at the base. The foods at the bottom of the pyramid (starches, fruits and vegetables) should make up the largest parts of any meal. Low-fat dairy products and other animal source foods are recommended to be eaten in moderation on a daily basis. On the higher levels of the pyramid are oil, butter and nuts; and on the apex products high in sugar (ice-cream, soft drinks, honey, biscuits, etc.).


  • Eat a variety of foods.
  • Eat the right amounts of food to maintain a healthy weight.
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables.
  • Consume more milk and milk products.
  • Eat more rye bread and cereals.
  • Eat more fish and poultry.
  • Choose low-fat foods.
  • Prefer healthy cooking methods.
  • Limit the consumption of sweets and soft drinks.
  • If you drink alcohol, do so in moderation.