الخطوط التوجيهية لنظم الأغذية القائمة على الأغذية

Food-based dietary guidelines - Indonesia

Official name

Balanced Nutrition Guidelines (Indonesian: PEDOMAN GIZI SEIMBANG)

Publication year

Indonesia published its first set of dietary guidelines in 1995, which were revised and updated in 2014. 

Process and stakeholders

The development and update of the guidelines was led by the Ministry of Health with the participation of representatives from professional organizations, relevant government agencies, and non-government organizations. 

Intended audience

The technical guide is targeted to professionals and officers from various governmental and non-governmental institutions that implement nutrition education interventions.  

The messages are directed to the general public, but the guide includes specific advice for groups through the life cycle. 

Food guide

Indonesia uses two food guides: 1) A rounded pyramid-like shape (Tumpeng Gizi Seimbang) which is meant to represent the principles of balanced nutrition (diverse food, food safety, physical activity and weight monitoring), including five food groups and their recommended portions; and 2) A plate guide (Piring Makanku, Porsi Sekali Makan) which illustrates the recommended proportions of food groups to be consumed in each meal. The plate also shows the importance of hydration and hygiene before and after meals.


  • Eat variety of foods
  • Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits
  • Eat high-protein foods (animal or vegetable source)
  • Eat a variety of staple foods
  • Limit consumption of sweet, salty and fatty foods
  • Eat breakfast everyday
  • Drink enough safe water
  • Read food labels
  • Wash your hands with soap and running water
  • Perform adequate physical activity and maintain a normal weight