Regional Knowledge Platform on One Country One Priority Product (OCOP) in Asia and the Pacific

  • China

OCOP in RAP - China

One village One Product (OVOP) or similar homegrown schemes  
Scheme name: One village One Product (OVOP) 

Geographical Indications (GI) systems  

One village One Product (OVOP)  

Year of establishment: 2011 

No. of agri-products under the scheme: about 170 

Origin and location: 400 villages from mountain, 50 villages from the tropics, and 300 villages from dryland 

Sample products:  

  1. Guangdon province, Zhanjiang city, Liangdong town (tropic): Lychee.  
  2. Yunnan province, Chenggong district, Dounan community (mountainous): Flower trade.  
  3. Chongquing city, Fengjie county, Dam village (mountainous): Navel orange. 
  4. Inner Mongolia, Otog banner, Albas Sumu township (dryland): Albas cashmere goat. 

National website:
Wechat: 乡产天下


Liu Xiaojun 
Secondary researcher 
Department of Rural Industry Development 
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs 
[email protected]


Geographical Indications systems

Year of establishment: 2007 

Origin and location: Each product is assessed by the applicant or industry sector for the causal association of product characteristic qualities with natural and human factors of origin. 

Control system: At present, geographical indication products are included in the national agricultural product quality and safety traceability management information platform. At the same time, producers and operators have established a product quality control traceability system. 

National website

Zhu Zewen 
Director, Standard Division 
Department of Agricultural Product Quality and Safety Supervision 
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs  