Regional Knowledge Platform on One Country One Priority Product (OCOP) in Asia and the Pacific

OCOP Webinar: Sustainable Value Chain of Jackfruit

Thursday, 04 July 2024, 10:00-11:45 (CEST)/14:00-15:45 (Bangladesh time)

Hybrid Event, 04/07/2024


Join us for this insightful webinar, organized by the FAO One Country One Priority Product (OCOP) Secretariat in collaboration with the FAO Country Office in Bangladesh, and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Government of Bangladesh. The focus of this episode is on the sustainable value chain of jackfruit, which is the special agricultural product of Bangladesh.

This event aims to provide a platform for sharing knowledge, experiences, and lessons learned in the sustainable production, processing, and marketing of jackfruit in Bangladesh. It serves as an opportunity to inform and inspire other countries interested in promoting jackfruit or other special agricultural products through the OCOP initiative.

Participants in this webinar will gain insights into sustainable jackfruit value chains, including case studies and lessons from Bangladesh based on ongoing research and institutional developments. The webinar will also explore the pivotal roles of micro and small-scale entrepreneurs, the private sector, and the significance of Geographical Indication Environment & Sustainability (GIES) in expanding its global market presence. The event will conclude with a general discussion involving various stakeholders.


Following the webinar, there will be an opening of the Jackfruit Fair scheduled to take place from June 4th to June 6th at the Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC) premises in Farmgate, Dhaka, Bangladesh. This fair will be open to the public and aims to promote entrepreneurship in the jackfruit market, showcasing both fresh and processed products.  


FAO launched the OCOP initiative in September 2021 to support countries in developing sustainable value chains for selected SAPs, which are unique products with special characteristics tied to their geography and culture. The initiative helps countries identify products that fit their specific production systems and unlock the potential of their special products by getting access to new markets regionally and globally. Since its inception, over 85 countries from all five FAO regions have expressed strong interest in the sustainable promotion of more than 54 products.

Target Participants

  • Agronomists/professionals
  • Government officials
  • Researchers and expert technicians
  • Private sector representatives
  • FAO Regional and National Focal Points
  • Farmers
  • Academics and students

Moderator: Mr Yurdi Yasmi, Deputy-Executive Secretary of the OCOP Secretariat and Special Coordinator, Plant Production and Protection Division, FAO.



10:00-10:05 Welcoming remarks by Mr Jingyuan Xia, Executive Secretary of the OCOP Secretariat, Special Advisor to the Director-General, FAO  
10:05-10:10Opening remarks by Ms Wahida Akter, Secretary of Ministry of Agriculture, Chairperson of OCOP National Task Force  
10:10-10:15 Video on OCOP initiative by Mr MH Kawsar Rudro, Communications Specialist, FAO 
10:15-10:20Regional update on OCOP in Asia and the Pacific by Ms Xuan Li, Senior Policy Officer, Regional Office in Asia and the Pacific (RAP), FAO  
10:20-10:25OCOP Implementation in Bangladesh by Dr. Munshi Rashid Ahmad, Director, HRC, BARI & National OCOP Focal Point and Mr Md. Abdul Kader, National Senior Lead Agronomist, FAO Bangladesh 
10:25-10:30FAO Bangladesh OCOP video by Ms Berna Cetin, Communication Specialist, FAO  
10:30-10:35Overview of jackfruit research in Bangladesh by Mr Jillur Rahman, Principal Scientific Officer, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Gazipur, Bangladesh  
10:35-10:45Overview of jackfruit value chain in Bangladesh by Mr. Mohammad Jahangir Alam, Professor, Department of Agribusiness and Marketing, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh  
10:45-10:55Development of micro and small-scale entrepreneurship in jackfruit value chains in Bangladesh by Mr Sreekanta Sheel, National Value Chain Consultant, FAO Bangladesh  
11:05-11:15Promotion of exporting jackfruit and its processed product: Role of Hortex Foundation by Mr Mitul Kumar Saha, Joint-Director (Marketing), HORTEX Foundation 
11:15-11:25Private sector engagement in jackfruit value chain development in Bangladesh by Mr F H Ansarey, President, ACI Agribusiness Ltd. Bangladesh  
11:25-11:35 Geographical Indications Environment & Sustainability (GIES) in jackfruit by Ms Chuang Liu, Professor of the Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences  
11:35-11:40 General discussion by all participants  
11:40-11:45Closing remarks by Mr Jiaoqun Shi, FAO Representative in Bangladesh  



This webinar is organized by the FAO OCOP Secretariat, FAO Country Office and the Ministry of Agriculture, Government of Bangladesh.



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