Regional Knowledge Platform on One Country One Priority Product (OCOP) in Asia and the Pacific

Geographical Indications Environment & Sustainability (GIES): An innovative initiative to promote scientific research for balanced development

15/08/2022 ,



  • In September 2021, the Decade Initiative on Geographical Indications Environment & Sustainability (GIES) 2021–2030 was launched in China. GIES promotes monitoring of the ecological environment related to the geographical habitat and product development, by using the Internet of Things (IoT) and big data system. Physical geographic data, such as terrain, boundary, land use and natural ecology data, are collected from satellite imaging and field monitoring. Product quality is also assessed and documented.  
  • GIES promotes scientific research by a joint team of multi-stakeholders and partners. This bottom-up approach complements the ordinary procedure of Geographical Indications (GI), which is a top-down methodology, and intends to assist sustainable environmental protection and economic development in harmony. 
  • GIES has completed the research cases at least for 14 habitats across China. The findings and dataset are accumulated and openly available

China has rich geographical and biological diversities and cultural resources that have benefited and nurtured the people’s lives for many years. Although many species, their origin, use and history have been recognized, such knowledge has often remained qualitative. Sufficient scientific knowledge and interpretation of the quality geographical products and their growth environment have not been accumulated so far.  

It is important to achieve the balance between economic growth and environmental protection. The quality geographical products can possibly connect the two values of healthy ecosystem and socio-economic development effectively. With scientific knowledge and interpretation of the quality geographical products, the people can understand the importance of healthy ecosystem and the protection methodologies for it. In addition, such knowledge forms the base to improve product quality, output and productivity, as well as increase added value through new technology. The quality geographical products can obtain good market reputation by connecting products and consumers to the industrial value chain, benefit the society at large, and make the real brand develop continuously.  

Diversity implies that the ecological situations are different from one location to another. A particular quality geographical product and its growth environment need to be analyzed comprehensively, by combining macro data and field verification. Similarly, accumulating such case studies from different products and locations will enable comprehensive and common understanding of the whole ecosystem and the recommended actions to take.  

The Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IGSNRR/CAS) is the largest institute on geography and natural resources in China. In cooperation with the other institutions, IGSNRR/CAS has played an instrumental role in launching the initiative on Geographical Indications for Environment & Sustainability (GIES) in 2021.  

  • Definition of GIES: Open science on quality geographical products (GIs) for environment and sustainability.  
  • Quality geographical products: (1) GI products; (2) Geographical Specific products (potential GI); and (3) Geographical Traditional-civilized products (potential GI). 
  • Objectives: (1) Tracing product original environment for consumers; and (2) protecting GI’s intellectual property for farmers of products. 
  • Methodology: Open science (Geographic information system and peer reviewed data and knowledge) using data and the Internet of sensor technology, enabling to link original geographic environment data to the products, community, companies and consumers.  

GIES intends to promote scientific research by taking advantage of technologies, such as IOT and big data, undertaken by a joint team of multi-stakeholders and partners. This bottom-up approach complements the ordinary procedure of GI, which is a top-down methodology. It contributes to Sustainable Development Goals, especially Goal 1, Goal 2, Goal 14, Goal 15 and Goal 17.   

Problem statement/Key issues 
The scientific information related to ecological natural products is not sufficient, despite its necessity to achieve sustainable environmental protection along with regional economic development.   

Promote scientific research to understand quality geographical products and their growth environment comprehensively and quantitatively.  

Key initiatives/process 
In 2021, the stakeholders adopted the action plan for GIES. The approach is multi-disciplinary and participatory, while advocating for science, technology, engineering and communication. The researchers are meant to work closely with local people, instead of focusing on producing publications.  

Monitoring the ecological environment related to the geographical habitat and product development is carried out by utilizing comprehensive geographical science and technology. Information communication as well as data collection and transmission are enabled by operationalizing technologies such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things (IOT), cloud computing and big data.  

For example, physical geographic data contain the following: Terrain data by using the digital elevation model (DEM); administrative boundary data; land use data such as planting/vegetation areas; and natural ecology data such as wind speed, wind direction, temperature, humidity, air pressure, light, rainfall, soil temperature, soil moisture, PM2.5 and PM10, vegetation visible light, vegetation, etc. Data are obtained from satellite imaging and field monitoring. As a result, weather and disasters, air and soil and water conservation, biodiversity and habitat resources, etc. are well monitored and recorded reliably and practically.  

In addition, product quality is analyzed for the parameters such as appearance, sensory characteristics, chemical compositions and nutritional components.  

The dataset is managed and published by the auspices of the Global Change Scientific Research Data Publishing System (GCdataPR), which is a regular member of the World Data System (WDS). Intellectual property is protected properly. The Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository makes all the data available publicly. In addition, the knowledge about the product dataset is made available openly at The Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery. Both journals are accessible at  

The products of the GIES cases endorsed are provided with a QR code certifying their origin.  

GIES has completed the research cases at least for 14 habitats across China. Some examples are as follows: (1) Yanchi Tan Sheep Arid Grassland Case (Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region of China); (2) Baoshan Arabica Coffee Dry-Hot Valley Case (Yunnan Province of China); (3) Lanjia Rice Permanent Farmland Case (Jilin Province of China); (4) Fengxian Burdock Ancient Yellow River Flooding Case (Jiangsu Province of China); and (5) Yangxian Black Rice Crested Ibis (Nipponia nippon) Habitat Case (Shaanxi Province of China). Note: see below a list of reference for all 14 cases in China. 

The research cases are being accumulated. As they are openly made available and accessible from the website, they can effectively link the quality geographical products with the consumers, academia and research experts, policy makers and business community. Methodologies are also being accumulated, so that unified guidelines will be prepared.  

Good practices/lessons
The GIES initiative promotes scientific research, which is often left behind, by using digital technologies. It assists the establishment of digital ecosystem for the quality geographic products. Understanding the ecological environment where the quality geographical products grow is not only necessary to protect the environment itself sustainably, but also effective to maximize the product value by providing guidance for quality and productivity improvement.  

The GIES initiative adopts a participatory approach and makes the scientific data accessible easily. In this way, scientific data can be utilized by all stakeholders, including the consumers, academia and research experts, policy makers and business community. Controlling the issue of information asymmetry increases the opportunities and possibilities of consensus building and concerted efforts in harmony toward balanced development.   

Key resources 
Liu, C., Gong, K., Liu, Y. H., et al. An innovative solution on geographical indications for environment & sustainability (GIES) [J]. Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery, 2021, 5(3): 237–248. DOI: 10.3974/geodp.2021.03.03.  

Liu, Y. H. Action on Quality Geographical Products for Environment and Sustainability—Keynote Speech at GIES Forum of CIFTIS 2021[J]. Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery, 2021.5(3):227–229. DOI: 10.3974/geodp.2021.03.01. 


For more information 

Responsible ministry/institution:  
Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China