Regional Knowledge Platform on One Country One Priority Product (OCOP) in Asia and the Pacific

  • Indonesia

© FAO/Jim Holmes
OCOP in RAP - Indonesia

One Country One Priority Product (OCOP)

One village One Product (OVOP) or similar homegrown schemes
Kampung Horti (Horticulture Village)

Geographical Indications (GI) systems
No. of agri-products under GI: 116

OCOP: Banana

Character and comparative advantage: Banana is a commodity that has a major contribution to national fruit production in Indonesia. Bananas are rich in vitamins, calories, potassium, fibre and natural sugars so it does not only give health benefits but are also good for daily consumption. In addition, bananas are also widely consumed by the community because it is available everywhere, at any season and at affordable prices. Banana production in Indonesia reached 8 million tons in 2020 and increase by 6.82% in 2021. Bananas are Indonesia's leading export commodity which is always encouraged in international trading.  

Producing areas: West Java, East Java, Lampung, North Sumatera, East Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, South Sulawesi, North Sulawesi produces mainly in tropics and mountainous areas. 

Demands: Local, region, and international. 

Consumption: Fresh and processed. 

Beneficiaries: The development of the banana villages and their value-added activities increase the farmer’s income, regional economy and national GDP through export.


Ir. Sri Haryati
Coordinator of Succulent and Vine Plant, Directorate of Fruit and Floriculture
[email protected]

Niza Arumta
SP, M.Sc Cooperation
[email protected]

Ministry of Agriculture, Indonesia

OVOP or similar homegrown schemes: Kampung Horti (Horticulture Village)

Year of establishment: 2021

Origin and locations: 2094 villages in mountains, wetlands and drylands


Focal Point
Group of Succulent and Vine Plant, Directorate of Fruit and Floriculture, Horticulture Department, Ministry of Agriculture
[email protected] 

Contact Point
Cooperation Sub Division
[email protected] 


Geographical Indications systems

Year of establishment: 2007 

No. of agri-products under GI: 116 

Origin and characters: One of the requirements to apply for GI is the fulfilment of the document of description of the said product. In the document the applicant needs to explain about local natural and/or human factor that influence the GI products. 

Sample products: Lada Putih Muntok (Muntok White Pepper), Gayo Arabica Coffee, Cilembu Sumedang Sweet Potato, Kulonprogro Jogja Coconut Sugar, Atinggola Palm Sugar, Berau Cacao, Alor Archipelago Vanilla, Minahasa cloves, Java Preanger tea, Hiyung Cayenne peppers 



Directorate General of Intellectual Property
Directorate of Trademark and Geographical Indications

Sub Directorate of Geographical Indication
Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Indonesia
[email protected]

OCOP Indonesia – organic “Lady Finger Banana” supporting local economies and protecting environment