Regional Knowledge Platform on One Country One Priority Product (OCOP) in Asia and the Pacific

  •   Tonga

OCOP in RAP - Tonga

One Country One Priority Product (OCOP)

OCOP: Kava

Kava, cultivated all over Tonga, is more than a crop, symbolizing the land and its people. Ceremonial drinking of kava signifies the Tongan virtues of respect, humility, commitment and relationships. It is native to wet equatorial and subtropical climates. It is rich in proteins and contains different amino acids, sugars and minerals. Kava extract preparations were once used as herbal drugs in Europe to treat anxiety. With well-documented neurological benefits, kava drink relieves anxiety and promotes relaxation and sleep. A relaxing beverage, kava exports to Australia, New Zealand and the United States of America bring major income to Tongan farmers and are supported with the launch of the Tonga Kava Quality Standard in 2020.


Kalati Hafoka
Acting Deputy CEO of Corporate Division
Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forest, Tonga