Regional Knowledge Platform on One Country One Priority Product (OCOP) in Europe and Central Asia


Armenian Greens: Sorrel, wild species Basil & cultivated species (two locally bred varieties)

OCOP: Armenian Greens: Sorrel, wild species Basil & cultivated species (two locally bred varieties)

Year: 2023

Character and comparative advantage: As special agricultural products, Armenian greens are a significant component of agrobiodiversity and an important socioeconomic resource. A wild species of sorrel and two locally bred cultivated species of basil have been selected to ensure the promotion of the green economy and biodiversity conservation; develop the ecosystem and sustainable livelihoods; and increase resilience, food security, nutrition and healthy diets.

These products are crucial elements of the national cuisine and of traditional knowledge. High in nutritional value, they are rich in vitamins (A, C, В1, В2 and РР), carotene and macronutrients (calcium, phosphorus and magnesium). Their unique characteristics include a special taste and aroma, and they are suitable for small landholders and organic farming.

Producing areas: Wild sorrel is indigenous to certain regions of Armenia, while the two locally bred varieties of basil are cultivated species in the country.

Demands: The selected greens are part of the authentic Armenian national cuisine, with traditional foods available mainly in the local market.

Consumption: These products are mainly consumed in the form of various dishes, soups and salads that absorb the high nutritional value, special taste and aroma.

Beneficiaries: The beneficiaries are the farming communities and rural population, the Ministry of Economy, professionals and entrepreneurs. The livelihoods of farming communities and beneficiaries will be enhanced through capacity development, productive agricultural systems, strengthened value chains, increased income opportunities and food security, and diversified nutritional benefits both for the domestic and export markets. It is essential to create incentives for varietal preservation and further development.



Vardan Barseghyan

Senior Economist/Programme Manager

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Kristine Mkhitaryan

Assistant on Economics

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Alvina Avagyan

Leading Researcher

Genebank Manager

Scientific Centre of Vegetable and Industrial Crops

Varsik Martirosyan

Head of Plant Breeding Department

Ministry of Economy