Number of records: 50

Africa Rice Center (AfricaRice)

AfricaRice is a CGIAR Centre with African member states.  Its mission is to contribute to poverty alleviation and food security in Africa through the rice sector.  AfricaRice’s research focuses on overcoming the major shortfalls of rice production in Africa including low productivity and sustainability of rice, poor quality of the product, and an unfavourable market and policy environment. 

Country: Benin
Geographical categories: Sub-Saharan Africa

Research Centres: Humid and Sub-Humid Agro-Ecosystem
Resource Concentrations: Rice Systems
Type of Institution: of interest to organic research


African Organic Center of Excellence, Uganda Martyrs University

The Center is currently working to build its research and teaching capacity in organic agriculture.  Research is being undertaken on organic pest management and soil amendments. Information about these research endeavours is not currently available on the University webpage.  

Country: Uganda
Geographical categories: Sub-Saharan Africa

Research Centres: Humid and Sub-Humid Agro-Ecosystem
Resource Concentrations: Compost & Waste - Fruit & Vegetables - Pest/Disease Management
Type of Institution: organic research


Agricultural Experimental Farm, National Chung-Hsing University

The Agricultural Experimental Farm in Taiwan consists of 18 hectares of organic production, including a horticultural plot for teaching, extension and research.  Information about specific research projects is not available on the University webpage.

Country: China
Geographical categories: Asia

Research Centres: Humid and Sub-Humid Agro-Ecosystem
Resource Concentrations: Fruit & Vegetables
Type of Institution: organic research


Agricultural Research and Extension Unit (AREU)

AREU, a body of the Government of the Republic of Mauritius regularly conducts collaborative research in organic agriculture.  On-going projects include studies on the effects of leguminous crop cover and organic soil amendments on soil fertility, the effects of biofertilizers on yield and the efficacy of biopesticides and microbial pesticides.

Country: Mauritius
Geographical categories: Sub-Saharan Africa

Research Centres: Humid and Sub-Humid Agro-Ecosystem
Resource Concentrations: Pest/Disease Management
Type of Institution: organic research


Asian farmers’ Association for Sustainable Development (AFA)

AFA is a regional alliance of 9 farmer federations in 8 Asian countries, representing 10 million farmers. The organisation was established in May 2002. AFA is an advocacy group for farmers’ rights and development, genuine agrarian reform and mainstreaming of sustainable agriculture in regional and national policies and programs. It promotes sustainable agricultural policies and practises

Country: Philippines
Geographical categories: Asia

Research Centres: Humid and Sub-Humid Agro-Ecosystem
Resource Concentrations:
Type of Institution: other organic partners


Associaçáo de Agricultura Orgânica (AAO)

AAO is an association of engineers, agronomists, producers, journalists, and researchers engaged in organic farming.  The Association publishes standards of organic production, conducts training and events, develops projects in cooperation with other institutions, and contributes to the growth of organic agriculture in Brazil.  AAO’s webpage is only available in Portuguese.

Country: Brazil
Geographical categories: Latin America

Research Centres: Humid and Sub-Humid Agro-Ecosystem
Resource Concentrations:
Type of Institution: other organic partners


Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI)

BRRI is part of the National Agricultural Research System of Bangladesh focusing on research and development of rice production.  The Institute’s mandate is to conduct research on all aspects of rice improvement and production; conduct research on different problems of rice; develop new varieties of rice; and train farmers on modern techniques of rice production.  BRRI researches many different program areas including varietal development, crop-soil-water management, pest management, rice farming systems, farm mechanization, and socioeconomic policy.

Country: Bangladesh
Geographical categories: Asia

Research Centres: Humid and Sub-Humid Agro-Ecosystem
Resource Concentrations: Rice Systems
Type of Institution: of interest to organic research


Brazilian Agricultural Research Cooperation (EMBRAPA) – Brazil

27 centres of research under the EMBRAPA have joined to work together on the project “Scientific and Technological Basis for the Development of Brazilian Organic Agriculture”. More than 300 researchers are involved in the organic research activities.

Country: Brazil
Geographical categories: Latin America

Research Centres: Humid and Sub-Humid Agro-Ecosystem
Resource Concentrations:
Type of Institution: organic research


Central Rice Research Institute (CRRI)

CRRI is the research body of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research focused on rice research.  The Institute has two research centres; one centre is focused on rainfed uplands and the other centre is focused on flood prone rainfed lowlands.  CRRI’s goal is to improve the income and quality of life of rice farmers in India.  CRRI has divisions in crop improvement; crop production; crop protection; biochemistry, plant physiology and environmental sciences; and social sciences. 

Country: India
Geographical categories: Asia

Research Centres: Humid and Sub-Humid Agro-Ecosystem
Resource Concentrations: Rice Systems
Type of Institution: of interest to organic research


Centre for Environment, Technology and Development, Malaysia (CETDEM)

CETDEM is a training, research, consultancy, referral, and development organization committed to improving environmental quality through sustainable development.  Formerly, CETDEM ran an organic farm growing local vegetables for a decade.  Currently, the farm is no longer in existence and CETDEM focuses on demonstrating the viability of organic farming and promoting the need for conservation of resources.  It aims to do this by sharing its experience with farmers, trainers, and individuals.

Country: Malaysia
Geographical categories: Asia

Research Centres: Humid and Sub-Humid Agro-Ecosystem
Resource Concentrations:
Type of Institution: other organic partners

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