Number of records: 23

University of Ghana (UG), Legon

University of Ghana was established as a university in 1961. It has a school of agriculture and three agricultural research centres. Despite the fact that UG does not have a specific organic research centre, it has participated in several research projects on organic and low input agriculture. The soil science department has been working on carbon sequestration and biodiversity of microbial populations in tropical soils. UG runs a project on co-compost in rain-fed peri-urban agriculture and are preparing a continuation of organically fortified co-compost. Moreover much work has been done on N-cycling through leguminous crops.

Country: Ghana
Geographical categories: Sub-Saharan Africa

Research Centres: Humid and Sub-Humid Agro-Ecosystem
Resource Concentrations: Compost & Waste
Type of Institution: organic research


Varanashi Research Foundation (VRF)

VRF aims at simulating the diversity and eco-friendliness of the natural forests in farming and farm practices. The research technologies developed in the foundation, especially on organic farming, are being field-tested at a macro-level in Varanashi Farms (VF), before being advocated for wide-scale adoption. Thus, emphasis on organic farming is attempted in VRF and VF. Varanashi Agro-Sustainable Technology (VAST) Centre, another sister unit attached to the Varanashi Organization, has the responsibility of manufacturing and marketing eco-friendly farm inputs to the farming community.

Country: India
Geographical categories: Asia

Research Centres:
Resource Concentrations: Compost & Waste - Fruit & Vegetables - Pest/Disease Management
Type of Institution: organic research


Worm Research Centre

The Worm Research Centre was initially formed to research how to make worms an efficient farming tool and research the potential of worm composting for waste removal.  More recently, the Centre has been focusing on knowledge transfer and information dissemination through seminars, workshops, and practical demonstrations. 

Country: United Kingdom
Geographical categories: Developed countries

Research Centres:
Resource Concentrations: Compost & Waste
Type of Institution: of interest to organic research

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