Number of records: 40

Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute (IGFRI)

IGFRI is a federal institute under the Indian Council of Agricultural Research. The Institute’s mandate is to conduct research, development, and training in forage production and its utilization. The Avikanagar Regional Research Station that is part of the Institute focuses on the specific needs of the arid and semi-arid ecosystems. The Research Station’s mandate is to conduct applied and basic research on range species, fodder trees, and cultivated fodder species and also on seed production for range grasses, legumes, and fodder trees.

Country: India
Geographical categories: Asia

Research Centres: Arid and Semi-Arid Agro-Ecosystem
Resource Concentrations: Pastures
Type of Institution: of interest to organic research


Institute for Sustainable Development (ISD)

ISD’s main purpose is to engage in sustainable development by empowering local communities in Ethiopia and helping them build on current sustainable development practices. The Institute’s focus with agriculture involves working with local farming communities and agricultural experts to improve local productivity and environmental health using ecologically sound practices; working with various groups to raise indigenous trees, make compost, and develop organic vegetable gardens; and supporting the training of experts in the production of organic fertilizer and purification of water to use for growing crops.

Country: Ethiopia
Geographical categories: Sub-Saharan Africa

Research Centres: Arid and Semi-Arid Agro-Ecosystem
Resource Concentrations:
Type of Institution: other organic partners


Institute of Desertification and Desert Cultivation Studies, University of Khartoum

Some main objectives of the Institute are to conduct basic and applied research in the area of desertification and to establish a desertification data bank. It aims to accomplish this goal by studying wind erosion, management and reclamation of problem soils, alley cropping, silvicultural operation, influence of trees on soil properties, catchment techniques on a small farm level, and organic fertilization.

Country: Sudan
Geographical categories: Sub-Saharan Africa

Research Centres: Arid and Semi-Arid Agro-Ecosystem
Resource Concentrations:
Type of Institution: of interest to organic research


Institute of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe)

icipe’s mission is to use insect science to help alleviate poverty, ensure food security, and improve the overall health status of people in the tropics. The Institute develops strategies for the use of harmful and useful antropods, while preserving the natural resource base through research. icipe has four divisions focusing on environmental health, human health, plant health, and animal health. The Institute conducts research on methods for pest control that are selective, non-polluting, not susceptible to resistance and conserve Africa’s biodiversity.

Country: Kenya
Geographical categories: Sub-Saharan Africa

Research Centres: Arid and Semi-Arid Agro-Ecosystem - Humid and Sub-Humid Agro-Ecosystem
Resource Concentrations: Pest/Disease Management
Type of Institution: of interest to organic research


International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)

ICARDA is a CGIAR research center with a geographic mandate covering the countries of Central and West Asia, North Africa, and developing countries with subtropical and temperate dry areas. In the dry areas of the world, ICARDA researches the improvement of small ruminants (sheep and goat) nutrition and productivity and the rehabilitation and management of rangelands. 

Country: Syria
Geographical categories: Global

Research Centres: Arid and Semi-Arid Agro-Ecosystem
Resource Concentrations: Livestock - Pastures
Type of Institution: of interest to organic research


International Competence Centre for Organic Agriculture (ICCOA)

ICCOA is a knowledge and learning centre for all aspects of organic agriculture and agribusiness. The Centre, which is located in India, works in partnership with FiBL. Its mission is to help build the competence of individuals and organizations of the South Asian region contributing to the creation of ecologically, economically, and socially sustainable agriculture and organic business.  The Centre is divided into five programs concerning different aspects of organic agriculture: Policy and Advocacy; Research and Technology; Capacity Building; Standards and Quality Management; and Market Development.

Country: India
Geographical categories: Asia

Research Centres: Arid and Semi-Arid Agro-Ecosystem - Humid and Sub-Humid Agro-Ecosystem
Resource Concentrations:
Type of Institution: organic research


International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT)

ICRISAT is a CGIAR research center focused on the dry regions of sub-Saharan Africa and Asia conducting research on sorghum, pearl millet, chickpea, pigeon pea, and groundnut. It aims to improve the well-being of the poor in the region through scientific agricultural research. Specifically, ICRISAT undertakes research in making major food crops more productive, diversifying options in staple food crops, reducing risk from the natural resource base, diversifying income generation, and strengthening support systems for rural farm communities. 

Country: India
Geographical categories: Global

Research Centres: Arid and Semi-Arid Agro-Ecosystem
Resource Concentrations: Cropland Yield
Type of Institution: of interest to organic research


International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)

ILRI is a CGIAR research center based in Kenya and Ethiopia. The Institute’s aim is to improve the well-being of people in developing countries by enhancing the contribution livestock makes to smallholder farming. The Institute’s primary research focuses on smallholder crop-livestock systems in arid, humid, and highland areas and the transition from subsistence to a market economy. ILRI studies methods of increasing production by precision manuring, patchy grazing, forage-legume rotations and grazing animals on particular crop residues.

Country: Kenya
Geographical categories: Global

Research Centres: Arid and Semi-Arid Agro-Ecosystem - Hilly and Mountainous Agro-Ecosystem - Humid and Sub-Humid Agro-Ecosystem
Resource Concentrations: Livestock - Pastures
Type of Institution: of interest to organic research


KAITE Company

KAITE is a private company engaged in social entrepreneurship in Zimbabwe and Germany.  It works in the cultivation, production, authentication, processing, exportation and marketing of organic products, with an emphasis on herbs, spices, MAPs and staple foods.  KAITE is actively engaged in training partner farmers in organic agriculture and coordinating social development projects for rural communities involved.  Currently, it is conducting research on pollutants and land degradation through organic production, wild collection, organic oils and herbs.

Country: Zimbabwe
Geographical categories: Sub-Saharan Africa

Research Centres: Arid and Semi-Arid Agro-Ecosystem
Resource Concentrations: Aromatic & Medicinal Plants - Underutilized Varieties
Type of Institution: other organic partners


Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI)

KEFRI’s mission is to conduct research and provide technologies for sustainable development of forest and other natural resources.  The Institute has seven research programmes: Farm Forestry, Natural Forests, Dryland Forests, Industrial Forest Plantations, Tree Seeds, Service and Technology Dissemination, and Partnerships and Networks.  KEFRI is not directly involved in organics research, but has partnered with other organizations working on organic agriculture.

Country: Kenya
Geographical categories: Sub-Saharan Africa

Research Centres: Arid and Semi-Arid Agro-Ecosystem - Seeds and Breeds
Resource Concentrations: Forests
Type of Institution: of interest to organic research

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