Number of records: 42

Varanashi Research Foundation (VRF)

VRF aims at simulating the diversity and eco-friendliness of the natural forests in farming and farm practices. The research technologies developed in the foundation, especially on organic farming, are being field-tested at a macro-level in Varanashi Farms (VF), before being advocated for wide-scale adoption. Thus, emphasis on organic farming is attempted in VRF and VF. Varanashi Agro-Sustainable Technology (VAST) Centre, another sister unit attached to the Varanashi Organization, has the responsibility of manufacturing and marketing eco-friendly farm inputs to the farming community.

Country: India
Geographical categories: Asia

Research Centres:
Resource Concentrations: Compost & Waste - Fruit & Vegetables - Pest/Disease Management
Type of Institution: organic research


World Vegetable Centre (AVRDC)

AVRDC is a non-governmental, non-profit agricultural research institute based in Taiwan, with regional offices throughout Africa and Asia.  The Centre has 6 hectares under organic production for research.  Research is largely focused on comparative studies of different varieties of pak-choi, sweet corn and rice (for features such as mortality and fresh biomass production) and an effectiveness evaluation of green manure species.  In addition, the Centre has established field boundaries to protect against pesticide drift and a small agroforestry plot for research on intercropping of tropical fruit trees and vegetables.

Country: China
Geographical categories: Global

Research Centres: Humid and Sub-Humid Agro-Ecosystem
Resource Concentrations: Agroforestry - Comparative Studies - Fruit & Vegetables
Type of Institution: organic research

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