Number of records: 16

Africa Rice Center (AfricaRice)

AfricaRice is a CGIAR Centre with African member states.  Its mission is to contribute to poverty alleviation and food security in Africa through the rice sector.  AfricaRice’s research focuses on overcoming the major shortfalls of rice production in Africa including low productivity and sustainability of rice, poor quality of the product, and an unfavourable market and policy environment. 

Country: Benin
Geographical categories: Sub-Saharan Africa

Research Centres: Humid and Sub-Humid Agro-Ecosystem
Resource Concentrations: Rice Systems
Type of Institution: of interest to organic research


Agriculture Department, Government of Punjab (Agri Punjab)

Agri Punjab is the State Department concerned with agricultural research and extension.  The Department’s Ayub Agricultural Research Institute is the primary research centre.  Research directorates at the Institute cover the following areas: agronomy, plant protection, horticulture, post harvest, cotton, oil seeds, pulses, sugarcane, vegetables, wheat, arid areas, maize and millets, rice, fodder, and soil science.  A special campaign was started to research methods of increasing crop production within a period of two years.      

Country: Pakistan
Geographical categories: Asia

Research Centres: Arid and Semi-Arid Agro-Ecosystem - Post Harvest and Safety
Resource Concentrations: Cropland Yield - Fibres - Fruit & Vegetables - Pastures - Pest/Disease Management - Rice Systems
Type of Institution: of interest to organic research


Association Tefy Saina

Henri De Laulanié est le premier agronome qui a découvert le Système de Riziculture Intensive (S.R.I.). Le Système de Riziculture Intensive ou SRI valorise aujourd’hui la riziculture à 300%. Une démarche naturelle qui remet en cause l’agronomie conventionnelle. Tefy Saina est l’association paysanne qui perpétue l’œuvre de Henri de Laulanié. L’association Tefy Saina se donne pour principale mission la formation des jeunes paysans.

Country: Madagascar
Geographical categories: Sub-Saharan Africa

Research Centres: Urban and Peri-Urban
Resource Concentrations: Agritourism - Rice Systems
Type of Institution: other organic partners


Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI)

BRRI is part of the National Agricultural Research System of Bangladesh focusing on research and development of rice production.  The Institute’s mandate is to conduct research on all aspects of rice improvement and production; conduct research on different problems of rice; develop new varieties of rice; and train farmers on modern techniques of rice production.  BRRI researches many different program areas including varietal development, crop-soil-water management, pest management, rice farming systems, farm mechanization, and socioeconomic policy.

Country: Bangladesh
Geographical categories: Asia

Research Centres: Humid and Sub-Humid Agro-Ecosystem
Resource Concentrations: Rice Systems
Type of Institution: of interest to organic research


Central Rice Research Institute (CRRI)

CRRI is the research body of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research focused on rice research.  The Institute has two research centres; one centre is focused on rainfed uplands and the other centre is focused on flood prone rainfed lowlands.  CRRI’s goal is to improve the income and quality of life of rice farmers in India.  CRRI has divisions in crop improvement; crop production; crop protection; biochemistry, plant physiology and environmental sciences; and social sciences. 

Country: India
Geographical categories: Asia

Research Centres: Humid and Sub-Humid Agro-Ecosystem
Resource Concentrations: Rice Systems
Type of Institution: of interest to organic research


Cooperative Research Centre for Sustainable Rice Production (Rice CRC)

Rice CRC was a research centre supported by the Australian Government and partnered with several universities and growers groups.  It was formed to address specific issues regarding the long-term future of the rice industry in Australia.  The Centre was divided into five programs: sustainability of natural resources, sustainable production systems, genetic improvement for sustainable production, product control, and education and technology transfer.  Although Rice CRC completed in 2005, the website still contains research literature including published reports, presentations, and posters. 

Country: Australia
Geographical categories: Developed countries

Research Centres: Humid and Sub-Humid Agro-Ecosystem
Resource Concentrations: Rice Systems
Type of Institution: of interest to organic research


Cuu Long Delta Rice Research Institute (CLRRI)

CLRRI is a research entity of the Vietnamese Ministry of Agricultural and Rural Development.  The Institute’s main function is to carry out research on rice and implement research programs in collaboration with local and international organizations.  Its main research themes focus on genetics and plant breeding, plant protection, entomology, soil science, microbiology, water management, post-harvest technology, and agricultural economics. 

Country: Vietnam
Geographical categories: Asia

Research Centres:
Resource Concentrations: Rice Systems
Type of Institution: of interest to organic research


Department of Agriculture, Thailand

The Organic Crops Project of the Department of Agriculture conducts research on organic rice.  This webpage is only available in Thai.

Country: Thailand
Geographical categories: Asia

Research Centres: Humid and Sub-Humid Agro-Ecosystem
Resource Concentrations: Rice Systems
Type of Institution: organic research


Earth Net Foundation

Earth Net Foundation was established by the Green Net Cooperative, the first organic produce wholesaler in Thailand, for the purpose of promoting and supporting organic agriculture and products through the whole food system.  The Foundation conducts several organic agriculture initiatives around the country including research and development, promotion of community enterprises, and management of a farmer field school for organic agriculture.  Specifics on their research initiatives are not available on the Green Net Cooperative website.

Country: Thailand
Geographical categories: Asia

Research Centres: Humid and Sub-Humid Agro-Ecosystem
Resource Concentrations: Rice Systems
Type of Institution: organic research


International Rice Research Institute (IRRI)

IRRI is a CGIAR centre focused on rice research and education. The Institute strives to reduce poverty through improved and diversified rice systems; to ensure that rice production is sustainable and can handle climate change; and to improve the nutrition and health of poor rice consumers and farmers. Research conducted by and coordinated by IRRI covers a breath of rice research areas from breeding and genetics through post-harvest. The Institute’s Rice and Climate Change Consortium focuses on reducing the net contributions of rice systems to global warming and developing new rice cultivars that are better adapted to climatic stresses.

Country: Philippines
Geographical categories: Global

Research Centres: Humid and Sub-Humid Agro-Ecosystem - Post Harvest and Safety - Seeds and Breeds
Resource Concentrations: Rice Systems
Type of Institution: of interest to organic research

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