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In 2010 three workshops of the Round Table on Organic Agriculture and Climate Change RTOACC will take place.

Workshop 1

The first RTOACC workshop took place on May 10 and 11, 2010, at FiBL In Frick, Switzerland.

More information

Workshop 2

The second RTOACC workshop, to take place September 17 in Rome will deal with the following questions:

  • In-depth scientific exchange on the available data on GHG emissions and the carbon sequestration potential of organic crop and livestock systems.
  • Discussion on gaps in the available data and ideas on how these could be filled.

Workshop 3

The third workshop, organised by ICROFS, will set the focus on:

  • the scientific exchange on LCA methods,
  • models and databases focusing on GHG emissions, and
  • sequestration potentials of organic farming systems and organic food.