Home > المنتدى  > ORCA Research > Research fields > ORCA Centres > Economics and Markets

Economics, Markets, and Trade

The core work of this Centre will be economic and policy analysis. The Centre will measure, forecast, and explain indicators of economic performance, determine costs of production, and assess the financial health of organic farmers and processors.

Research on the socio-economic impact of organic production will be undertaken, including its effect on livelihoods of smallholder farmers. Structural characteristics of farms and markets will be evaluated to determine factors underlying the sector's efficiency, returns, and competitiveness. Analysis of the linkages between agricultural and environmental policies and environmental quality will be explored.

Trade of organic products will be tracked and international trade agreements will be analyzed for impact on the organic sector. In addition, the distribution of benefits of organic agriculture will be evaluated, with particular concern for price premiums that can make organic inaccessible to many consumers.

The proposed Key Topics are: Commodity Intelligence & Consumers.

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The ORCA Centres and Topics

ORCA Centres

The eleven ORCA Centres will cover 22 topics related to organic agriculture.