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Humid and Sub-Humid

The core work of this Centre is to conduct research relevant to farming systems based in humid and sub-humid areas dominated by flooded cropping systems or tropical forest systems.

These areas are often characterized by poor and acidic soils due to abundant rainfall and fast decomposition/high mineralization rates of biomass and organic matter – the latter being the most important reservoir for nutrients. Pest and disease pressure is usually high because of year-round favourable temperatures and high relative humidity. Agricultural inputs are generally available, but not always affordable for small farmers living in these areas.

Conversion to organic agriculture in humid and sub-humid areas implies less intensive and more integrated production, using resistant and often local cultivars that are often lower yielding. Increased crop rotations and diversification, agro-forestry and the integration of livestock, aquaculture and bee-keeping typical of organic production provide opportunities to diversify the system and increase the security and stability of income and total farm output.

The major challenges in converting to organic agriculture in this agro-ecosystem are pest and disease pressure.

The proposed Key Topics are: Rice Systems & Fruits and Vegetables.

Recently, FAO compiled a project proposal for the start-up phase of ORCA and the Centre for Humid and Submid Areas HUSHA. HUSHA will be a Centre “without walls” consisting of a consortium of research institutions undertaking research in organic agriculture and food systems in humid and sub-humid areas and coordinating related research projects implemented by other network partners in Africa, Latin America and Asia.

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The ORCA Centres and Topics

ORCA Centres

The eleven ORCA Centres will cover 22 topics related to organic agriculture.