الجمهورية العربية السورية

الجمهورية العربية السورية

العنوان: Institutional Development of Organic Agriculture in Syria

الأهداف: The overall development objectives of the project are to prepare the ground for the establishment of the legal, institutional and scientific platform where researchers, producers, processors and traders can fully implement their potential, in order to improve their revenues, the global economic situation of the country and contribute to environmental improvement.

This will entail:

    • To establish the proper institutional framework for a coordinated and integrated development of organic farming in Syria, that will include legal aspects, capacity building and institutional build-up.
    • To achieve an adequate number of properly informed and well trained technicians, scientists, decision makers and leader farmers, with full knowledge of all aspects of organic farming.
    • To initiate a knowledge-based and market-oriented research program, that in short time could provide useful guidelines to farmers wishing to adopt organic farming techniques.