
On the occasion of the 21st Session of the Committe on AgricultureA Side Event on Organic Agriculture, Climate Change and Environment  

 FAO, Rome, 22 April 2009
from 12:00 to 14h:00 hours
Iran Room, FAO Headquarter, Rome

The event is financed by the Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries and organized by the Danish International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems (ICROFS) in collaboration with the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) and FAO.  

Denmark has been named “Organic Country of the Year 2009” and will be hosting COP15 in Copenhagen in December 2009. The side event is organized in recognition of the important value Organic Agriculture may play in answering to the social and environmental challenges that our food systems are facing and the need to cope with growing food demands in times of climate change. The interdependencies and relationship between agriculture, environment and climate change will have to be taken into consideration for the choices we make to secure a sustainable production of food and fibre.  

Organic agriculture and agro-ecological methods improves and depends on biodiversity, soil fertility and other ecological support functions. Research results indicates that agro-ecological methods, as used in Organic Agriculture, potentially have positive effects related to climate adaptation as well as climate mitigation which can be of high value for future sustainable development in particular smallholder farmers possibilities to improve their agricultural production while adapting to climate change.  

Organic agriculture is knowledge intensive and should be adapted to local conditions and the farmers’ situation. Thus, there is need for further development in line with the principles of organic agriculture and there is a need for improved knowledge transfer systems which acknowledges traditional as well as scientific knowledge. We, the organizers, would, therefore, appreciate this opportunity to discuss with representatives from FAO member countries the possible contributions of organic agriculture to answer to the challenges for the agricultural sector in different countries.  

The side event will present a range of important issues from a general perspective by representatives from FAO, IFOAM and ICROFS as well as from an African and Asian perspective by representatives from Ethiopia and Thailand. Further details are provided in the programme.

On the occasion of the 21st Session of the Committe on AgricultureA Side Event on Organic Agriculture, Climate Change and Environment  

 FAO, Rome, 22 April 2009
from 12:00 to 14h:00 hours
Iran Room, FAO Headquarter, Rome

The event is financed by the Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries and organized by the Danish International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems (ICROFS) in collaboration with the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) and FAO.  

Denmark has been named “Organic Country of the Year 2009” and will be hosting COP15 in Copenhagen in December 2009. The side event is organized in recognition of the important value Organic Agriculture may play in answering to the social and environmental challenges that our food systems are facing and the need to cope with growing food demands in times of climate change. The interdependencies and relationship between agriculture, environment and climate change will have to be taken into consideration for the choices we make to secure a sustainable production of food and fibre.  

Organic agriculture and agro-ecological methods improves and depends on biodiversity, soil fertility and other ecological support functions. Research results indicates that agro-ecological methods, as used in Organic Agriculture, potentially have positive effects related to climate adaptation as well as climate mitigation which can be of high value for future sustainable development in particular smallholder farmers possibilities to improve their agricultural production while adapting to climate change.  

Organic agriculture is knowledge intensive and should be adapted to local conditions and the farmers’ situation. Thus, there is need for further development in line with the principles of organic agriculture and there is a need for improved knowledge transfer systems which acknowledges traditional as well as scientific knowledge. We, the organizers, would, therefore, appreciate this opportunity to discuss with representatives from FAO member countries the possible contributions of organic agriculture to answer to the challenges for the agricultural sector in different countries.  

The side event will present a range of important issues from a general perspective by representatives from FAO, IFOAM and ICROFS as well as from an African and Asian perspective by representatives from Ethiopia and Thailand. Further details are provided in the programme.

On the occasion of the 21st Session of the Committe on AgricultureA Side Event on Organic Agriculture, Climate Change and Environment  

 FAO, Rome, 22 April 2009
from 12:00 to 14h:00 hours
Iran Room, FAO Headquarter, Rome

The event is financed by the Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries and organized by the Danish International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems (ICROFS) in collaboration with the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) and FAO.  

Denmark has been named “Organic Country of the Year 2009” and will be hosting COP15 in Copenhagen in December 2009. The side event is organized in recognition of the important value Organic Agriculture may play in answering to the social and environmental challenges that our food systems are facing and the need to cope with growing food demands in times of climate change. The interdependencies and relationship between agriculture, environment and climate change will have to be taken into consideration for the choices we make to secure a sustainable production of food and fibre.  

Organic agriculture and agro-ecological methods improves and depends on biodiversity, soil fertility and other ecological support functions. Research results indicates that agro-ecological methods, as used in Organic Agriculture, potentially have positive effects related to climate adaptation as well as climate mitigation which can be of high value for future sustainable development in particular smallholder farmers possibilities to improve their agricultural production while adapting to climate change.  

Organic agriculture is knowledge intensive and should be adapted to local conditions and the farmers’ situation. Thus, there is need for further development in line with the principles of organic agriculture and there is a need for improved knowledge transfer systems which acknowledges traditional as well as scientific knowledge. We, the organizers, would, therefore, appreciate this opportunity to discuss with representatives from FAO member countries the possible contributions of organic agriculture to answer to the challenges for the agricultural sector in different countries.  

The side event will present a range of important issues from a general perspective by representatives from FAO, IFOAM and ICROFS as well as from an African and Asian perspective by representatives from Ethiopia and Thailand. Further details are provided in the programme.




        本专题讨论会在三个方面理顺了有机界的知识和经验:适应和减缓气候变化;能源利用和生物能源;有机农业认证中的碳。本专题讨论会将由粮农组织自然资源管理及环境部助理总干事Alexander Mueller宣布开幕,他将介绍200863-5日在罗马召开的关于粮食安全、气候变化和生物能源高级会议的结果。

       Claude Aubert将介绍2008417-18日在法国朗德举行的国际有机农业气候变化科学对话的结果,涵盖了粮食生产和消费对全球变暖的影响以及在减少温室气体排放和减缓气候变化中有机粮食体系的潜力。Paul Happerly将报告罗代尔研究所对土壤固碳和有机玉米及大豆农作物系统的不同氮素营养水平长达28年的观察。Urs Niggli将分享FiBL在有机农业对气候变化适应潜力方面的经验及研究问题。Vandana Shiva将就全球产业化农业对气候变化影响的脆弱性及对农业燃料猛增的虚假承诺发布粮食委员会未来宣言,呼吁建立多元化的有机农业系统,以保障环境可持续性及粮食安全。

        Gudula Azeez将根据土壤协会对有机和非有机产品生命周期的分析结果,探讨英国农业领域的能源效率。Jean-Michel Florin将介绍一项生物动力运动的实用工具以评估农场碳平衡,包括地上和地下(树根、粮食、根茎)生物量生产和农场为了使作物轮作取得较佳的结果而输入的碳(进料、秸秆、肥料)、永久牧场、动物饲料及绿肥压青。Adrian Muller将探讨用于能源的生物量生产的可持续性和大规模生物能量供应与封闭式养分循环的有机原则和能源自给的兼容性。Bruno Borsari将主张通过种植有生物能源作物让边际土地得到有效利用。

        J. Paull将消除碳印迹计划与增加育林中的杀虫剂谈足迹联系在一起,主张采用有机林业标准和认证。Johan Cejie将进一步介绍用于温室、园艺、家畜、渔业、加工及运输的KRAV气候认证方案,包括探讨各种方式的不同效益(如LCA及生产和加工方法)和实现国际标准化的途径。Volkert Engelsman将介绍Soil & More低排放堆肥生产技术及其作为减少温室气体排放项目的批准程序,这种项目在数个国家中产生了碳信用额。

        在对上述题目进行讨论后,Nadia Scialabba将对有机界迄今所采用的最佳方式进行总结,包括在从基于化石燃料上的农业转变到适应气候变化的农业过程中,扩展和改善有利于有机农业规范的机会。