FAO in Pakistan

Cash Transfer Programming Training


Four days training on Cash Transfer Programming was held at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Representation in Islamabad.
The training provided participants with knowledge and expertise to design and implement programmes using cash transfers and vouchers.
Mr.Juvanon du Vachat Etienne, Resilience Expert TC at FAO headquarters conducted the training.
24 participants from government, FATA Development Management Authority, national and international NGOs and UN agencies attended the training sessions including trainees from FAO Afghanistan.
The sessions built on FAO’s standard training on principles of cash transfer programming, voucher schemes and input trade fairs and cash for work. Market analysis/assessment; risk management, monitoring and evaluation and linkages between cash transfer programming and social protection were other important areas covered during the four days of training.
Ms. Mina Dowlatchahi, FAO Representative awarded certificates to the participants on the final day of training to acknowledge their participation.