FAO in Pakistan

FAO-Pakistan Joins UN Agencies to Highlight the Plight of Agriculture Sector Post-Flood


Mr. Farrukh Toirov, Deputy Representative, FAO in Pakistan, recently participated in a joint press-talk organized by United Nation Resident Coordinator’s Office in Pakistan.

While talking to the press representatives, he said that the agricultural sector of Pakistan had been devastated as a result of recent floods, resulting in the loss of critical infrastructure, standing crops, grain storage and livestock rearing. To address the food insecurity, agriculture sector should be given priority in provision of cash assistance as the international price for fertilizers was quite high and although efforts were made to reduce the international prices of the fertilizers, they were still unaffordable for farmers who already had nothing.

It should be followed by livestock vaccination and treatment, animal feed, crop inputs, rehabilitation of animals shelters, agricultural irrigation channels and community restoration and household-level assets.

Press-talk was also addressed by UN Resident Coordinator Mr. Julien Harnies, Mr. Felix Omunu, Senior Officer, UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), and Ms. Farah Naureen of Mercy Corps.

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