FAO in Pakistan

Youth can Change the Face of Agriculture in Pakistan


Do students in information technologies (IT) have a role to play in agriculture in Pakistan? The answer is yes for two main reasons: first farming today requires much more knowledge than it used to a few decades ago; because of degradation of natural resources, particularly soils, changes in climate, and volatility of input and output prices, agriculture requires a very good understanding of its production factors in order to minimize risks. On the same vein, food transportation, storage, marketing and valorization require real-time data in order to minimize losses and waste and maximize profit. Information technologies have a crucial role to play in bringing these data to the decision makers, be it farmer or agro-entrepreneur along the value chain. Secondly IT students learn how to adapt to rapidly changing environments. They have to be abreast of latest tools and technologies in order to remain relevant in their sector. These two features, being able to collect and process real time data for decision-making and adapt to new circumstances, are fundamental for the transformation of agriculture in Pakistan.    

Ms. Florence Rolle, FAO Representative in Pakistan shared these views while addressing the students at the annual exhibition of the projects displayed by  final year students of the Information Technology Center of Sindh Agriculture University (SAU) Tando Jam.

She also applauded SAU’s role in general in creating a stimulating environment for students to engage in research and development and innovation. She concluded in thanking Dr. Fateh Marri, Vice Chancellor, for offering to host FAO main office in Sindh province. The establishment of FAO office inside SAU premises will further strengthen the collaboration between the two organizations.

The opportunities for collaboration between FAO and agricultural universities are endless and FAO Pakistan is moving full speed in strengthening its partnerships with agricultural universities. In her trip to Balochistan in November 2022, FAO Representative met with Vice Chancellors of Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering & Management Sciences (BUITEMS) and Sardar Bahadur Khan Women University (SBKWU). FAO senior officials have also recently represented FAO in job fairs and seminars held at different universities in Lahore, Multan and Balochistan.

After the ceremony and speeches of guests of honor, the Vice Chancellor, Florence Rolle and James Okoth, International Provincial Coordinator for Sindh visited the various stalls and appreciated the scope and breath of the innovative projects developed by the students of the ITC and their relevance for the agriculture sector such as; Crop Monitoring System; Prediction Model for Estimating Crop Requirements; Fruit Quality Detection System Using Artificial Intelligence; Livestock Health Monitoring System and Smart Green House.

Congratulations to SAU. FAO is looking forward to strengthening this collaboration!