FAO in Pakistan

Investment in food security and rural development crucial for changing migration trends

World Food Day 2017 at the NARC Islamabad

Islamabad: World Food Day 2017 was marked at the National Agriculture Research Centre (NARC).

The theme for World Food Day this year was “Change the future of migration. Invest in food security and rural development.”

Various organizations including Ministry of National Food Security Research, Pakistan Agricultural Research Council (PARC), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, World Food Programme (WFP) ,Oxfam and research institutes came together to organize the ceremony.

Federal Minister for National Food Security and Research, Mr. Sikandar Hayat Khan Bosan was the chief guest at the ceremony.

Messages from the President and Prime Minister of Pakistan were read at the ceremony in which 70 years of partnership between Government of Pakistan and FAO was highlighted.

Speaking on the occasion, Federal Minister Bosan said: “Change the Future of Migration: Invest in Food Security and Rural Development” has particular importance in the context of drawing our attention towards the increasing trend of migration that has direct implications on food security.” He also congratulated FAO and Pakistan for their joint achievement and expressed the wish to continue on the path of further strengthening the partnership. He thanked FAO, WFP and all other development partners for their continuous support to achieve the goal of national food security.

Ms. Minà Dowlatchahi, FAO Representative in Pakistan also addressed the ceremony. She said that by supporting countries to invest in livelihoods and building more resilient rural communities, rural people could have the option to remain on their land, or to leave if they want to. She told participants about FAO’s efforts to improve the food security of people in refugee and displaced camps. She also read out a message from Mr. Jose Graziano da Silva, Director General FAO.

Federal Secretary for MNFS&R, Fazal Abbas Maken said that to feed a growing population in Pakistan which is projected to exceed 300 million by the 2050, there was a need to learn to grow in a sustainable manner without destroying our natural resources.

Mr. Finbarr Curran, Country Director and Representative, United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) Pakistan said at the occasion that ending hunger will require investments in agriculture, rural development, nutrition, social protection and gender equality.

Chairman PARC, Dr. Yusuf Zafar said at the occasion that development disparity between rural and urban areas of Pakistan was impacting the poor rural population in terms of their right to have basic and healthful food. He said that some of the major factors contributing to migration were food insecurity, poverty, adverse impacts of climate change, limited access to social protection, natural resource depletion, unemployment and the lack of economic opportunities in the rural areas.

Director General NARC, Dr. M. Azeem Khan paid vote of thanks in the end and said that with the collaboration of international partners, food insecurity situation could be dealt with.

FAO project offices mark World Food Day

FAO project offices in Peshawar and Quetta also marked the World Food Day to bring attention towards food insecurity and rural development.

In Peshawar, Mr Sanaullah Khan, FAO Program Coordinator and the FAO team welcomed the guests that included Mr. Abdul Latif Khan, Secretary Livelihood and Production FATA. Mr Zia ul Islam, Deputy Director Agriculture Department FATA Secretariat, and Dr Ijaz Nutritionist WFP were also present.

Similarly in Quetta, Mr Masood Baloch , DG Agriculture Extention department was the chief guest at the World Food Day ceremony. Mr Marcel Stallen, FAO Project Manager and the FAO team in Quetta welcomed the guests.