FAO in Pakistan

Irrigation and Agriculture Departments to benefit from working together in Sindh


A one week international training workshop on the Rapid Appraisal Procedure (RAP) for irrigation modernization, led by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in collaboration with Government of Sindh, was brought to a formal close by the Secretary of Irrigation for Sindh Province.

The training, based in Karachi, focused on the first step (RAP) of a larger step-wise methodology developed by FAO to audit irrigation system performance and to plan for irrigation modernization: Mapping System & Services for Canal Operation Techniques (MASSCOTE). It aimed to train Irrigation Sector Managers and Engineers in the Rapid Appraisal Procedure, provide insights into the performance of large irrigation systems, and identify recommendations for improvements in water delivery service.

The Secretary of Irrigation, Jamal Mustafa Syed, was pleased that the training brought officers from both Agriculture and Irrigation Departments and Ministries together. Speaking on the occasion he said “It is good to see officers from both the Irrigation Department and Agriculture Department working together. The Irrigation Department cannot possibly solve all problems unless they work in close collaboration with the Department of Agriculture.” He also congratulated all the participants from both Pakistan and Afghanistan, for successfully completing the training. He also appreciated FAO, the World Bank, and the irrigation staff of the Khipro canal system for coordinating this training and the field visits.”

The week marked an opportunity for irrigation and agriculture staff to work collaboratively to address issues of water service delivery and canal system performance, and was instigated to support the Sindh Water Sector Improvement Project (WSIP), a World Bank funded project.

The Khipro Canal of Nara Canal Area Water Board (NCAWB) was selected for the workshop due to its recent rehabilitation under the WSIP. Trainings began with classroom session in the Marriott, Karachi, and progressed to a field visit to Khipro Canal. The two days of field visits were facilitated by Executive Engineer, Nara Canal Area Water Board, Mr. Ashfaque Nooh Memon and his team. Upon returning to Karachi, all participants finalized their analysis and subsequent recommendations, and presented these findings to Secretary.
Recommendations addressed physical as well as institutional improvements, some of which included:
• Water accounting and consumption-based monitoring for the canal system;
• Realistic assessment of cropping areas using remote sensing;
• Incorporating incentives for good behavior of irrigation employees and operators;
• Quick repairs of mechanical and civil structures (e.g. gates, offtakes gauges, modules);
• Installation of water measurement devices as well as gates on direct outlets;
• Establishment of escape channels in canal tail areas for emergency conditions to address spillage, and interceptor drains along the main canal to control seepage
• Use of computer systems for financial and water management;
• Improved planning and forecasting of budget requirements;

Key resource person and lead training, Dr. Robina Wahaj (Land and Water Resources Officer, FAO), explained that, “The training and completion of the Rapid Appraisal Process has shown us many things; not only areas for improvements, but also the good comparative state of the Khipro canal system when compared with other canal systems assessed using the RAP methodology in Pakistan. The results of the RAP highlight how, thanks to the rehabilitations made possible through the Sindh Water Sector Improvement Project, the service of the Khipro canal has really improved.”
Toru Konishi, World Bank task team leader of the Sindh Water Sector Improvement Project, agreed the training could not be timelier, “Water sector management is in a crisis, with regard to water security; therefore, it is essential to determine opportunities for water savings and how water can be distributed”

Upon its successful conclusion, Dr. Fateh Marri, coordinator Sindh Water Sector Improvement Project expressed the intention to continue these types of workshops, “I think we can continue these types of discussions; they bring benefits to use. We received good feedback.” Our brothers from Afghanistan may take home some of these ideas and recommendations from the workshop with them.”

This workshop comes at a crucial time, almost at the end of WSIP project and preparing for another project to be funded by the WB, and in synergy with the green Climate Fund proposal preparations led by FAO for Transforming the Indus Basin with Climate Resilience Agriculture and Climate Smart Water Management. Minà Dowlatchahi, the FAO Representative in Pakistan added that ‘It is no longer an option to work on water in isolation of agriculture production and food systems. The transformation of water management and agriculture is needed to halt the deterioration of natural resources and the contribution they make to the livelihoods of farmers and Pakistan economy at large’.

The Afghan participants appreciated the training and said they looked forward to utilizing knowledge gained about water management modernization. In all, 24 participants gathered from Afghanistan and Pakistan between 20-27 November to share experiences and hone their skills in the rapid appraisal process by rapidly appraising the Khipro Canal system.