FAO in Pakistan

World Food Day 2018 marked across Pakistan


World Food Day 2018 was marked at the National Agriculture Research Centre (NARC) Islamabad, and all over Pakistan by FAO on 16 October 2017. The theme for World Food Day this year was “Our Actions are our Future. A Zero Hunger world by 2030 is possible”
Various organizations including Ministry of National Food Security Research, Pakistan Agricultural Research Council (PARC), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, World Food Programme (WFP) ,Oxfam and research institutes came together to organize the ceremony.
Federal Minister for National Food Security and Research, Mr. Sahibzada Muhammad Mehboob Sultan was the chief guest at the ceremony. Messages from the President and Prime Minister of Pakistan were read at the ceremony in which the long standing partnership Government of Pakistan and FAO was highlighted.
Ms. Minà Dowlatchahi, FAO Representative in Pakistan also addressed the ceremony. Highlighting the completion of 40 years of FAO in Pakistan she said “We all have to continue to play our respective roles for achieving Zero Hunger in Pakistan. It is encouraging to see Pakistan taking steps in the right direction for reaching this goal. The first National Food Security Policy and the Water Policy provide the framework for action, putting emphasis on agriculture diversification and value addition, resilient climate smart agriculture and water management, improved livelihoods of small holder farmers and tenants, safe drinking water and a National Zero Hunger Program.”
Mr. Finbarr Curran, Country Director and Representative, United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) Pakistan said at the occasion that ending hunger will require investments in agriculture, rural development, nutrition, social protection and gender equality. Director General NARC, paid vote of thanks in the end.
Various offices across Pakistan marked the World Food day with unique celebrations:
World Food Day was celebrated in Chitral with male and female farmers of Booni village of upper Chitral. FAO has been leading multiple initiatives across the country to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal 2, which is aiming for zero hunger around the globe by 2030. Substantial work has been done in Chitral through projects such as ‘Imparting smart techniques to women farmers in Chitral’ through the FSL interventions.
FAO Chitral team spent the day in the field with beneficiaries of turnip value addition activity in a formal gathering. The team apprised the beneficiaries with the importance of the day in perspective of UN sustainable development goals. Informative was exchange and the progress made in the region was highlighted on the occasion.
FAO in Gilgit celebrated the World Food Day in collaboration with the Karakoram International University, Gilgit. A four kilometer walk around campus was organized to celebrate the event, which was attended by more than 40 university faculty, and 400 hundred students along with the FAO team. After the walk, a formal ceremony was held where the vice chancellor of the University Dr. Khalil Ahmed spoke about the importance of food security in Pakistan. Dr. Sajjad Hussain, head of department for the food sciences gave a presentation about the food situation in the country, and FAO’s Abdul Basit narrated the FAO Director Generals message to the attendees, which was taking actions in relation to our future in order to achieve the sustainable development goals.
FAO marked the World Food Day at Pakistan Academy for Rural Development. Mr. Muhammad Israr Khan, Secretary Agriculture KP and Principal Secretary to the Chief Minister was the Chief Guest.
The joint report ‘Food Security and Nutrition in the World’ was presented to the audience of academia and civil society representatives at the event marking the World Food Day in Hyderabad. This report was a collaboration of FAO, World Health Organization, and International Fund for Agriculture Development, and the United Nations Children’s Fund.
At the event, FAO policy consultant Genevieve Hussain pointed that efforts made to counter world hunger need to be expedited in order to fight malnutrition around the globe. Syed Khadim Shah of the World Food Program explained that ending huger means availability of nutrient-rich food to people, especially mothers and those who are pregnant. Masood Lohar of Global Environmental Finance-United Nations Development Program said that Pakistan was lagging behind in achieving the set targets.
By highlighting focus areas and recognizing the work done in the region by FAO Pakistan, the event reiterated the importance of achieving zero hunger around the globe by 2030, to the audience comprised of academia and members of the civil society.
FAO in collaboration with World Food Programme celebrated World Food day in Quetta at a ceremony highlighting this year’s message “ Our Actions are Our Future’’.
Mr. Ahmed Jan Essa, Deputy Chief of Party FAO said the worldwide celebration of the World Food Day promotes worldwide awareness and action for those who suffer from hunger and for the need to ensure food security and nutritious diets for all. He also said that the FAO had been working for 40 years in Pakistan working towards achieving food security.
Asmatullah Khan, Secretary Livestock Balochistan, Dr. Ghulam Hussain Jaffar, Director General Livestock and Dairy Development, Inaam Shinwari, Director General Extension agriculture, along with male and female farmers attended that event.