FAO in Pakistan

FAO Pakistan Signs an Agreement with Sindh Agriculture University


FAO Pakistan signed an agreement with Sindh Agriculture University (SAU) on 6 October 2022 to further strengthen long-term coordination and collaboration with the academia. Mr. Ghulam Mohiuddin, Registrar, SAU and Ms. Florence Rolle. FAO Representative in Pakistan signed the agreement on behalf of their respective organizations.

Dr. Fateh Marri, Vice Chancellor, SAU was also present at the occasion.

Speaking at the occasion, Dr. Fateh Marri said that “By working together with FAO-Pakistan we can work towards poverty alleviation and food security. FAO is the technical agency on agricultural matters while SAU being an educational and research institute has the human resource. Hence, both organizations share the same objective.”

Sharing her thoughts, Ms. Rolle said that “FAO Pakistan is extremely pleased to sign an agreement with SAU because collaboration between research/education institutes and International technical organizations like FAO is the future”.

According to the agreement, SAU will provide the vacant space in its premises to relocate FAO-Pakistan office in Hyderabad, Sindh. FAO-Pakistan’s initiatives and interventions in Sindh province require a lot of collaboration and communication with the provincial and district departments. The relocation to strategic location of SAU will improve the coordination. This will also provide the opportunity for both the organizations to further strengthen their collaboration on ongoing and the future projects.

The relocation will also allow students to benefit from the opportunities created by this collaboration.