FAO in Pakistan

FAO Organize a Workshop on Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics


Islamabad, 4 November 2015: The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations in collaboration with Ministry of National Food Security and Research and Agriculture Policy Institute (API) is organizing two-day workshop on the Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics in Pakistan. Honorable Federal Minister for National Food Security and Research (NFS&R) H.E. Sikandar Hayat Khan Bosan inaugurated the workshop. Also present were FAO Representative to Pakistan Mr. Patrick T. Evans, Mr. Allan Nicholls from FAO Regional Office Bangkok and Mr. Christophe Duhamel from FAO HQ Rome.

The workshop brought together about 50 agricultural and rural statistics stakeholders to discuss and identify critical issues which need to be tackled to ensure development of a sustainable agricultural statistical system and the process of implementation in Pakistan. The workshop discussions together with in-depth assessment of statistical system will feed into preparation of a long term national strategy for agricultural and rural statistics.

At the opening session, the honorable Minister Mr. Sikandar Hayat Khan Bosan said that
'Pakistan has a comprehensive and well-articulated statistical system in all four provinces and FATA. In Pakistan data collection system covers almost all sub-sectors of agriculture domain; crops, livestock, fisheries, forestry, marketing of agricultural products, land
record, irrigation etc. However, we need to cover areas like Food Insecurity Mapping System, Food Balance Sheet, Agriculture Environment Portal, Disaggregated data for Gender Mainstreaming in Agriculture, cost of production, agriculture expenses, Socio­ Economic Indicators of Farming Community etc' .

FAO Representative to Pakistan Mr. Patrick T. Evans acknowledged the support and cooperation of the Government of Pakistan to the implementation of Global Strategy'. Patrick said that 'the Global Strategy is a ground-breaking effort. It has been developed through an extensive consultation process with national and international organizations. One of its key recommendations is that agriculture be integrated into national statistical systems to improve the availability and quality of agricultural and rural statistics. FAO has the responsibility to provide technical assistance to countries by making available comprehensive documentation of agricultural statistical system, preparing strategic plans for agricultural and rural statistics and promoting partnerships for implementation'.

The implementation of the Global Strategy in Asia and the Pacific is part of the long-term plan for improving agricultural and rural statistics in the region. In its first phase during
2013-2017, Global Strategy will be implemented in 20 countries in this region. Pakistan has been identified as a priority country for its implementation. [end]


For Media and communication contact:

Mahira Afzal, Communications Officer, FAO, Islamabad.
Mahira.afza l @fao.org. 0346-8544197