FAO in Pakistan

Commodity-based workshop:“Wheat Production: Balanced Use of Fertilizer and Food Security”


Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in partnership with the Ministry of National Food Security and Research, Pakistan Agriculture Research Council (PARC) and U.S. Department for Agriculture (USDA) convened a one day commodity-based workshop on “Wheat Production: Balanced Use of Fertilizer and Food Security” in Karachi. The workshop was a part of an ongoing effort by USDA and FAO for soil fertility management and promoting sustainable agricultural intensification in Pakistan.

The objectives of the workshop were to showcase the significance of 4R nutrient stewardship for wheat Production, and assess input use for this commodity at farm-gate level. The workshop provided an added opportunity to review existing initiatives, share information and learn from the experiences of professionals and wheat farmers of Punjab and Sindh provinces.

The workshop brought together approximately 40 participants from the Agricultural Services Departments of Fertilizer Industry, Punjab and Sindh Government Agriculture Extension Departments, Research and Agricultural Information Departments, National Fertilizer Development Centre, Farmers Associates, International Potash Institute Switzerland, Academia from Sindh Agricultural University, Tando Jam, KPK Agricultural University, Peshawar and University of Agriculture, Faisalabad.

In keynote address, Dr. Nisar Ahmad, Former Chief, National Fertilizer Development Center (NFDC) highlighted historical perspective of wheat production, predicted consumption, fertilizer use at global and national level. He emphasized that sustainable approach for use of fertilizers to produce good economic wheat yields is the need of time and should be given due importance.

Dr. Asim Rehan Kazmi, Director Crop Disease Research Institute PARC, Karachi related the national activities of PARC with this FAO’s initiative on 4R nutrient stewardship for food, economic and environmental security, in the country.

Dr. Waqar Ahmad Soil/NRM Expert, FAO gave a detailed presentation on the project overview and objectives of the workshop. He informed the participants of workshop about the objectives, initiatives and achievements of FAO program being pursued in Pakistan since last two years. He also told the success story of FAO program. Other speakers from R&D organizations highlighted the constrains in wheat production, appropriate approaches to overcome these constraints to achieve high wheat yield on sustainable basis. He concluded that collaborative efforts are required to address such issues in the best interest of the farming community.