FAO in Pakistan

Managing the Water-Energy-Food nexus crucial for ensuring food security


South Asia, being the hot spot for the future increases of food demand due to demographic growth and changing lifestyles may face even the severe consequences if no adaptation measures are taken.
This was concluded at a three-day international workshop jointly organized by the Centre for Climate Research and Development (CCRD) COMSATS University Islamabad and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), Germany in Islamabad June 26-28.

Scientists from leading institutes from Europe (PIK, IIASA) and South Asian countries, INGOs, think tanks, research organizations deliberated on ensuring food security in the region.
German Ambassador to Pakistan Mr. Martin Kobler, while inaugurating the workshop said without concerted efforts by the region’s stakeholders it would not be possible to tackle already mounting regional food security issue.

Presenting FAO’s approach to Water-Energy-Food Security Nexus, Ms Minà Dowlatchahi, FAO Representative in Pakistan said: “Understanding and managing the complex interactions between water, energy and food security is essential to cope with changing climate and for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. The FAO approach to the Water-Energy-Food Nexus describes the complex and inter-related nature of our global resources systems with social, economic and environmental goals. Uptake of new technologies, changes in agricultural and water management practices by small holder farmers with concurrent actions to help conserve natural resources and protect our eco-systems will pave the way towards Food Security and the eradication of malnutrition in all its forms”.

Workshop recommended that Research funding, on climate change monitoring and adaptation, may be enhanced to minimize the adversities of changing climate on agriculture. Moreover, efficient climate smart alternate crops/ technologies must be introduced / fine-tuned taking care of biodiversity, sustainability and profitability. Other recommendations by the workshop participants included;

• Transboundary water and energy issues, in the region, must be resolved, through dialogue and facilitation by international bodies.

• National and regional food, water and energy security policies should be devised on urgent basis after thorough consultation and deliberations with concerned stake holders, and may be implemented. SAARC platform may be used as a facilitator in this regard.

• Integration of environment into development policy, planning and investment is need of the hour, and should be ensured.

• Efforts should be initiated for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and genetic reserves.

• Alternate climate resilient crops may be introduced in the existing cropping systems.

• Conservation crop production systems may be promoted to sustain the food security in the region.

• Mass awareness campaigns may be launched about the healthy dietary habits

The International Workshop ended with a vote of thanks by Prof. Dr. Athar Hussain, Head CCRD and Dr. Saeed A. Asad, Workshop coordinator to all International and National delegates for their contributions and recommendations to make this workshop, the first of its own kind in the South Asia.