FAO in Pakistan

Farmers First” Conference on Agriculture Development in Balochistan. Government of Balochistan launches 2015/16 as the Year of Agriculture


Quetta, 6 and 7 August 2015: Over 130 farmers from all ecological zones of Balochistan gathered in Quetta to discuss the constraints and development opportunities of agriculture in Balochistan in a two days conference “Agriculture Development in Balochistan: Farmers First”. The purpose of the conference was to develop a joint Government and Farmers agenda for change and to reach consensus on the main issues that hamper agriculture development in Balochistan as well as to identify development opportunities.
This was the first time that such large scale farmers’ consultations were held in Balochistan. The conference was organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Pakistan Agricultural Research Council (PARC) and the Department of Agriculture and Co-operatives, Government of Balochistan (GoB). The conference was inaugurated by the Provincial Minister of the Agriculture and Cooperatives, GoB, H.E. Sardar Muhammad Aslam Bizenjo.
While addressing the participants, Mr. Bizenjo said that “majority of the population in the province is engaged in agriculture for their livelihoods. To enhance agriculture development and crop productivity in the province, GoB is launching 2015/16 as the Year of Agriculture in Balochistan”.

Mr. Marcel Stallen, FAO International Project Manager said that “FAO is supporting the Government of Balochistan with the formulation and implementation of their agriculture policy with special attention for the sustainability of agriculture on a longer run”.

The participants took active part in highlighting major issues, constraints as well as opportunities in the agriculture sector in the province. They also identified the highest priority issues, solutions and way forward-agenda for change. These recommendations and suggestions were presented to the Chief Minister Balochistan H.E. Dr. Abdul Malik Baloch who was the chief guest on the second day of the Conference. Dr. Malik appreciated the inputs of farmers and said that “the suggestions will feed into the programme development and implementation for better agriculture in Balochistan”.
While addressing the participants, the Federal Minister for National Food Security and Research H.E. Sikandar Hayat Khan Bosan said that the Government of Pakistan is aware of the problems of farmers in Balochistan and is formulating programmes and projects to address these issues. In this regard, trainings on modern agriculture techniques are of vital importance”. Mr. Bosan also announced that the Federal Government will provide agriculture trainings to 1,000 farmers from Balochistan at the National Agriculture Research Center (NARC), Islamabad.

While pointing out major agriculture related issues in Balochistan, Mr. Bosan said that “the issue of water scarcity needs to be addressed on priority basis”. He further said that “the Federal government will work with the provincial government to provide quality wheat seed to the farmers in Balochistan”. He also shared that the Government of Pakistan has approved the Seed Act and now it is up to the provincial governments to implement the Seed Act at provincial level.

During the Conference, the farmers’ representatives also discussed other issues and suggestions such as long hours of load shedding, agriculture loans, introduction of solar systems for water pumps, agro industries, modern olive and apple plantations, tunnel farming etc.

Addressing the participants, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) representative in Pakistan Mr. Patrick T. Evans said that “FAO is currently implementing two programmes in 14 districts of Balochistan to help increase incomes of resource poor rural men and women. These programmes build among others the capacities of farmers to benefit from increased crop and livestock production and improved marketing and organization. These programmes are being implemented through financial support from USAID and AusAID”. He also shared that “FAO is supporting the Government of Balochistan in the formulation of the Balochistan Agriculture Policy and Strategy and will also be providing support with the implementation of this policy”. [END]

For more information and media assistance pleases contact:

Mahira Afzal, Communications Officer, FAO Pakistan
Cell: +92 346 8544 197, e-mail: [email protected],
Visit website: www.fao.org/Pakistan