Academia and Research Institutions

FAO and the Université de Liège announce new partnership

Increasing the resilience of communities in francophone Africa

04/10/2017 - 

In view of the Université de Liège’s (ULiège) widely-recognized valuable contributions of scientific research and education in the areas of FAO’s mandate, both institutions have agreed to formalize a partnership through a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). The MoU is accompanied by a three-year work programme providing a framework for cooperation with the overall goal of increasing resilience of communities in francophone Africa.

The signing event of the Memorandum of Understanding was held at ULiège on 3 October 2017 in the presence of Cristina Amaral, Director of the FAO Belgium Liaison Office, and Albert Corhay, Rector of the Université de Liège.

The new partnership focuses on a number of priority areas identified by FAO and ULiège and Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech (Gembloux) and on which they have already initiated collaborations. These key areas include capacity building on emerging pandemic zoonotic threats under the One Health Initiative; development of a new ULiège Master’s degree course on Integrated Health Risk Management in the Global South; joint research on the climate change-migration nexus and its impacts on rural youth and agriculture; exploration of sustainable energy sources for displaced communities to reduce deforestation and greenhouse gas emissions; prevention and management of plant pests and disease threats; and fostering long-term food security solutions through joint funding of PhD programmes on peace and resilience at ULiège’s Center for Partnership and Development Cooperation in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Albert CORHAY, Rector of ULiège says ”ULiège hopes that the agreement signed today will activate joint research partnerships on the climate-migration nexus and joint funding of PhD programmes.”

Cristina AMARAL, Director of  FAO Belgium Liaison Office says “The new agreement that we are signing today is founded on a common vision for enhanced global actions to achieve sustainable food systems. FAO hopes that this agreement will trigger further action in this area, which is crucial for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.”

While FAO and Liège’s Gembloux have been collaborating bilaterally since 2016, it is strategic and more efficient for both institutions to have an operational agreement. This partnership will enable the parties to work under a framework which can be adapted to evolving global needs and identifying new opportunities for achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Recognizing the contributions of FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva for his role in establishing linkages of food security through resilience and peacebuilding, Liège awarded Graziano with a Doctor Honoris Causa degree in June 2016 at Gembloux’s Conference on Peace, Conflict and Food Security.