Научно-исследовательские организации

FAO strengthens its collaborations with French research institutions


New partnership agreement signed at Science and Innovation Forum’s event on ‘Partnership for co-developing research and innovation: sharing experiences from FAO and CIRAD, INRAE, and IRD’

24/10/2022 - 

20 October 2022

Rome – The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) on 18 October 2022 signed a memorandum of understanding on transforming agrifood systems for the 2022–26 period with three French research institutions (FRI).

The institutions include the Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD), the National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment (INRAE), and the National Research Institute for Sustainable Development (IRD).

This new partnership agreement supports the transformation of agrifood systems and responds to the global challenges as contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals of the Agenda 2030 and the Paris Agreement, aiming in particular to improve food security and nutrition, contribute to efforts to reduce greenhouse gases and adapt to climate change, avoid, reduce biodiversity loss and land degradation, restore degraded land and biodiversity, and promote sustainable management of natural resources, gender equality, and rural job creation.

FAO previously had an agreement with CIRAD and INRAE, and a separate agreement with IRD. Both these cooperation frameworks expired in February 2022. Going forward, a more cohesive approach consolidates the FAO and French Research Institutions under one agreement, which builds on the France-FAO framework agreement (2022–25) signed on October 5, 2022.

This multilateral cooperation is a significant step forward to enhance innovative and scientific approaches, aligning with the FAO Strategic Framework 2022–31, and in support to FAO’s recently adopted Science and Innovation Strategy.

The signing of the agreement took place during the special event on ‘Partnership for co-developing research and innovation: sharing experiences from FAO and CIRAD, INRAE and IRD’, held during the FAO’s Science and Innovation Forum.

At the special event, a round table discussion with FAO and French experts covered the challenges of making agrifood systems more resilient and sustainable as well as the importance of the multi-stakeholder approach in supporting open, inclusive and responsible innovation and strengthening capacities for agricultural innovation systems for FAO Members. Three challenges were put forward as remarkable and promising collaboration areas between FAO and the three FRI:  achieving optimal health outcomes thanks to the “One Health” approach; creating enabling environments for responsible and inclusive digital agriculture; and developing agroecological innovations for addressing climate change.

Following the round table, an expert panel addressed innovation as a driver of agrifood systems’ transformation as a cross-cutting theme gaining importance both in FAO and in the French research institutions. The panel discussion underlined the mutual interests of the four partners on joint research and innovation agendas and the importance of collaborating closely with other key actors, such as the European Commission.

