

07 Apr 2020
罗马/南京---联合国粮食及农业组织(粮农组织)与江苏省农业科学院(江苏省农科院)签署了合作协议,双方将共同推动科技创新,支持小农发展。 合作的重点内容包括在城乡地区建设可持续、有弹性和高效的粮食系统,以及通过粮农组织的南南合作和三方合作框架与发展中国家分享知识和技术。 "江苏省农科院在通过科技创新支持江苏和中国的现代农业发展方面有着长期的经验,"江苏省农科院院长易中懿表示,"与粮农组织的合作将为我院打开一扇窗户,使我们可以借鉴粮农组织的南南合作和三方合作框架。"
27 Feb 2020
罗马 -秋粘虫是一种贪婪的入侵性害虫,正在对非洲、亚洲和近东地区的农作物造成破坏,我们拥有能够对抗秋粘虫的工具,但必须加强协调,以遏制虫害的传播。 "我们需要加强来自全球所有相关部门的关键合作伙伴之间的合作",粮农组织总干事屈冬玉在今日召开的全球秋粘虫控制行动指导委员会第一次会议的开幕致辞中表示。 秋粘虫(拉丁名:Spodoptera frugiperda)是一种美洲蛾,最近几年已传播至非洲、近东和亚洲,如今澳大利亚也出现了它们的身影。秋粘虫的幼虫以80多种作物为食,尤其喜欢玉米。如今,非洲每年因秋粘虫损失多达1800万吨玉米,这足以养活几千万人,造成的经济损失高达46亿美元。 在过去三年中,粮农组织牵头开展了63个与秋粘虫有关的项目,这些项目大多在非洲实施,期间形成了许多良好做法,积累了许多宝贵知识。当前的全球控制行动旨在通过强有力的创新协调机制来支持和扩大这些努力。 "如果秋粘虫继续扩散,那么玉米在世界粮食系统中的作用将受到严重影响,总干事指出。"我们需要迅速采取行动。"
11 Feb 2020
Rome - The 6th High-Level Strategic Dialogue between FAO and France was held from the 5 to 6 of February at FAO Headquarters. Maria Helena Semedo, Assistant Director-General for Climate and Natural Resources, welcomed a French delegation led by Philippe Lacoste, Director of Sustainable Development at the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs. Semedo heralded this latest “meeting of friends” and praised France for its continued commitment to the Organization, which was underscored once more in 2019 by a promised contribution of EUR 2 million to the Africa Solidarity Trust Fund (ASTF). The first day of the event was dedicated to...
31 Jan 2020
Rome - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and Roma Tre University showcased findings from a joint study on producer organizations, highlighting strategies that can be used to ensure the inclusion of poor family farmers in cooperatives and producer organizations (POs). The study, which ran from 2018-2019, contributes both to FAO Strategic Objective 3 – Reduce rural poverty, and Pillar 4 of the United Nations Decade of Family Farming, Strengthen family farmers’ organizations and capacities to generate knowledge, represent farmers and provide inclusive services in the urban-rural continuum. Masters students from Roma Tre undertook fieldwork...
28 Jan 2020
A pilot project implemented by Kyoto University (KU) in 2019, aimed at raising awareness on food waste in canteens on the campus, and enhancing the knowledge and engagement of students in reducing food loss and waste, determined that approximately 20 per cent of food is wasted in canteens on campus. Research findings under the pilot highlighted that the most wasted foods on the campus include side vegetables, rice and noodles, and parts of fish.