La société civile


27 May 2016
27 May 2016, Rome - FAO said today it will engage in a strategic partnership with India's Self Employed Women's Association (SEWA) in order to optimize its efforts on the empowerment of rural people, women in particular, which are key to eradicate poverty and hunger and to promote nutritious and healthy food systems. The partnership will be signed later this year.
09 Oct 2015
9 October 2015, Rome. “The Right to Food and Nutrition Watch is a peer review publication that monitors policies and issues related to the realization of the Right to Adequate Food and Nutrition, based on a human rights perspective, and from a global, regional and national level,” said the representative of FIAN International, Alejandra Morena, also Coordinator of the Watch 2015, during the launch this morning at FAO Headquarters. Entitled “Peoples’ Nutrition Is Not a Business”, Watch 2015 focuses on nutrition, one of the...
06 Sep 2015
6 September 2015, Durban, South Africa – The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and ActionAid International, a globe-spanning NGO, have agreed to embark on new joint program of work that will focus on empowering rural people. Under the terms of a partnership agreement signed here today, the two organizations will collaborate closely to improve the livelihoods of rural communities and promote the right to...
19 May 2015
19 May 2015, Milan – FAO joined the inaugural day for Caritas at the Expo Milan 2015. Rolf Hackbart, Deputy Director of the Office for Partnerships, Advocacy and Capacity Development, represented FAO and advocated the fight to end hunger together with Caritas. The event focused on family and small-scale farming. “We need to change the way we relate to land. Family farming is so important to do this,” said Hackbart. Hackbart encouraged the strengthening of rural livelihoods in terms of education, training, health and access to natural resources. “This is why we need to change the current system, geared...
29 Jan 2015
29 January 2015, Rome – The European Coordination of La Via Campesina (ECVC) today presented its conclusions on common land issues in Europe and Central Asia regarding progress on the implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines on Land Tenure (VGGT).  “Despite our perception, we have observed strong dynamics of concentration of land and land grabbing also taking place in Europe. Agricultural lands are being transformed into non-agricultural use at a fast pace. We have also noticed a problem on access to land for small scale farmers, young, and prospective farmers,” said...