Civil Society

Sustainable mechanization innovations for economic growth of smallholders: Partnership with African Conservation Tillage Network

20/12/2021 - 

In order to promote some of the work FAO has been undertaking in partnership with civil society organizations (CSOs), the CSO Partnerships team of the FAO Partnerships and UN Collaboration Division has been putting together a small series of short publications, highlighting some of the successful collaborations of recent years.

The second of the series features the partnership with the African Conservation Tillage Network (ACT).  FAO and ACT have been working together since 2019 to support African family households in creating opportunities for economic growth through conservation agriculture and sustainable agricultural mechanization. 

This specific brief provides some key facts and results from the activities undertaken during this collaboration, particularly in support of the Framework for Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization for Africa (F-SAMA), launched by FAO and the African Union in 2018.