Civil Society

The Civil Society Mechanism meets for its Annual Forum this weekend at FAO

10/10/2014 - 

More than 200 civil society representatives will meet this weekend to discuss issues concerning food security and nutrition during the 2014 Annual Forum of the Civil Society Mechanism (CSM) ,  11-12 October at FAO headquarters, as they prepare for the plenary session of the UN Committee on World Food Security (CFS), starting on Monday, 13 October.

This is third consecutive year that FAO is hosting the CSM Annual Forum. Thisyear’s Forum will commemorate Chandrika Sharma, reknown defender of the fisherfolks rights and former participant of the CSM, who sadly went missing earlier this year on flight MH370 when flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.

Opening session

The Director General will give an opening speech at Saturday's welcoming session of the CSM which is open to the general public. Gerda Verburg, Chair for the UN Committee on World Food Security (CFS), will also address the forum. This session will hold a panel debate to assess the last five years of the CFS since its reform in 2009. The discussion will be centered on progress made, shortcomings and challenges ahead.

Annual Forum 2014

The CSM will focus this year on the assessment of its effectiveness and impact. Participants will also discuss the outlook in terms of priorities and strategies of the CSM for 2015 and beyond.

More information about the Forum.