Civil Society

FAO hosts the international launch of the Right to Food and Nutrition Watch 2015

The Global Network for the Right to Food and Nutrition focuses its annual report on the challenges and approaches on nutrition from a human righs perspective

09/10/2015 - 

9 October 2015, Rome. “The Right to Food and Nutrition Watch is a peer review publication that monitors policies and issues related to the realization of the Right to Adequate Food and Nutrition, based on a human rights perspective, and from a global, regional and national level,” said the representative of FIAN International, Alejandra Morena, also Coordinator of the Watch 2015, during the launch this morning at FAO Headquarters.

Entitled “Peoples’ Nutrition Is Not a Business”, Watch 2015 focuses on nutrition, one of the main priorities for FAO. 

“Civil Society has made an important contribution for nutrition to be considered as a priority public issue”, stated Jomo Kwame Sundaram, Assistant Director General and Coordinator for Economic and Social Development, FAO.

Jomo highlighted the need for commitment to move forward in the realization of the Right to Adequate Food, which demands dialogue between those who promote a human rights approach and those who support a political economy approach to nutrition.

Stefano Prato, Managing Director of the Society for International Development, presented the key findings of the report. He stressed that nutrition must be a public issue to be debated in public spaces and emphasized the political dimension of nutrition.


The report includes the voices and perspectives of a wide variety of actors - from policymakers to small-scale producers, voices of academia and civil society, including different constituencies in facing challenges.

“The voice of the small-scale producers who produce seeds and food for the world has to be heard”, said María Noel Salgado, from MAELA (Latin America Agroecologial Movement) on the importance of an inclusive perspective to address nutrition.

Watch 2015 also draws attention to the link between the Right to Adequate Food and Nutrition and full realization of the rights of women and girls.

Rigth to Food and Nutrition Watch

The Right to Food and Nutrtion Watch is the main monitoring tool for the the Global Network for the Right to Food and Nutrition. This network comprises over 20 organizations from the civil society. The report is published by FIAN International, Brot für die Welt and ICCO Cooperation.

The Watch 2015 is available is English, Portuguese, Spanish and French.

Photo gallery of the event