FAO and UN System Partnerships


UN Partnering on FAO’s Better Life in South Sudan

The video displays a story of FAO partnering with UN entities in South Sudan on Better Life. FAO, WFP and UNOPS are joining forces to provide a wide set of services in support of the agricultural production, marketing capacity and movement of smallholder farmers. FAO helps smallholder farmers produce surplus crops by providing them agricultural inputs, skills and equipment, as well as machinery and storage to prevent post-harvest losses. WFP provides markets through a project that supports smallholders through the establishment of agriculture markets (SAMS). Through Rural Aggregation Centers (RAC), marketing points are established at the village in close proximity to farmers, so that they can sell their surplus and get paid promptly. UNOPS has provided support on rehabilitation of roads leading to the aggregation centers which has encouraged farmers to produce more healthy food and improve their food security and nutrition.
